
Most important attributes in Random Forest Classifier

Good afternoon guys, I would like to know if you can return a percentage of each attribute used in the Random Forest Classifier training, to show which attributes are the most deterministic.

Is there a way to use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to transform strings into integers?

I saw some examples of code to transform strings like, for example, "four" into an integer 4, but it was always quite manual ... os") for token in doc: print(token.text, token.pos_, token.dep_) # retorna # 4 NUM nummod # vídeos SYM ROOT Thank you!

ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'red'

Hello, I'm trying to make a model for white and red wine decision, this is my code: from sklearn.model_selection import trai ... at(x) 795 796 typ = dtype.type ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'red' Help Me Please, Thank you!

sklearn classification report and confusion matrix: do the values not beat?

Model: logistic regression with sklearn. I decided to compare the results shown in classification_report, calculating them u ... n see, recall and precision do not beat. What's wrong? How to interpret the results? What do f1-score and support stand for?

How to calculate the ROC curve using only confusion matrix

I would like to know how to find the ROC curve having only the confusion matrix. tp = 55922 fp = 1221 fn = 1035 tn = 41812

What is overfitting and Underfitting in Machine Learning

What is Overfitting and Underfitting in machine learning ? I am studying a little on the subject and I was curious where this applies.

How does the train test split method work in Scikit Learn?

I am learning machine learning and in most examples the method train_test_split() is used and there is not a very precise exp ... he return variables train and test? is used only for productivity or there is an increase on the accuracy rate of training?

Artificial intelligence for games in Unity

I'm creating a game in unity, and I'm wanting to do some bosses, only for this I need to study artificial intelligence, and I ... h! Recommend places to study this! I am very thirsty for knowledge and I learn fast, I just need the right source or sources.

How to predict multiple statistical models generated in R in Power BI?

I trained several models in R, like these: iris2 <- data.frame(zzz= sample(c(0, 1),size = length(iris$Sepal.Length), re ... uccess with the solution:

naive bayes-Warning message: in date.matrix (newdata): NAs introduced by coercion

I managed to run the naive Bayes algorithm in R, but I am finding problems to make the confusion matrix of the result. This i ... 6 Atendimento Pessoal Reaberta VIVO Reclamação Móvel Pessoal Pré-Pago Cancelamento