
VBA download pdf

I am developing a macro in excel that through a list of IDs and passwords in excel logs into a website and tries to download ... t;br></td> VBA to open pfd: objIE.Navigate "javascript:obterFormulario('','')" I thank anyone who can help me.

Sort chronologically VBA date and time

Good afternoon, I would like to know how I do to sort by date and time by excel. It would be 1 column of schedule and another ... der the schedules chronologically without affecting the dates?? Follows the example of how I would like the data to look:

How to delete / delete repeated rows comparing different cells?

I want to know how to delete a row that is repeated along my table. The image below can help Possible solutions: 1. ... ells. But I don't know if it's the fastest way. 2. restrict file Excel1 to send repeated data to file Excel2 Thank you!

Limit characters and character type

I need help. I have a spreadsheet like this: And I want to limit amount of characters and type In the segment column I ... (ActiveCell, 6) MsgBox "Limite de caracteres Ultrapassado na Célula: " _ & ActiveCell End If End Sub Thank you

VBA Macro for inserting images automatically based on a [closed] code column]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... ones? And the other restriction would be for him to put photo only where it is empty and skip those that already have photo.

Copy data from one column (B) to another sheet if the condition of the column (F) is met. excel

I have tried and continue to try several codes to automate the copying of data (column B, proposals sheet) to another (projec ... submitted". Both sheets are in the same format. Table header in B3: J3 and data start in B4: Jx Could anyone give a light?

Copy data from one sheet to another

I'm having a problem in a macro, I'm trying to copy data from a sheet and paste in another, but this giving an error when ins ... ormation, "Concluído" Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Print the error along with the requested information

Macro to automatically fetch images and play in excel

Good afternoon, I have a spreadsheet, where I need to automatically include images. I would like to know if there is any wa ... MsgBox "Unable to Find Photo" 'Shows message box if picture not found Exit Sub Range("B20").Select End Sub

Runtime error. Attempted VBA Outlook operation failed

I created a macro to run a routine in outlook. The code works perfectly on a PC, but when I go to replicate the code to anoth ... s("CGR") Set fol_UDI = ns.Folders(1).Folders("UDI") I've read several forums and found nothing similar. Can anyone help me?

Search the pivot table with a macro

I'm trying to set up a button to copy the value of a cell, paste into one of the pivot table's children and give ok. Sub Bot ... change the value of ("H3") that value comes to PivotItems("H3").Visible = True.I don't know if I could explain it correctly.

How to extract data from the internet by VBA

I am trying to extract a specific table from a site and paste into a spreadsheet to daily update a database. But since it is ... iate sheet/cells - HERE Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:H1000").ClearContents Sheets("PPG").Select Range("A2").Select End Sub

Macro email range + signature

Good Morning. I need help in a macro for sending emails in Outlook 2007. I own a macro that selects a certain range of cell ... .Item.Subject = "Extrato " & descricao 'Assunto do e-mail .Item.Send End With End Sub` Right now, thank you.

Specify last line for form filling-VBA

I am making a form and I want the person to register only 6x (only 6 lines) the content. How to limit this amount ? As abo ... pty Linha = Linha + 1** But how to change to stop filling in line 90 ? (Starts at line 85 and I want to stop at 90)

MACRO to insert image with respect to drop-down list

Good Morning folks, I have a doubt that I do not know if it is light or not: I have a field (the large rectangle) from wh ... contained in Q9 If I get confused I'll explain again, but at first it was just that. Thank you to anyone who can help=)

Macro in Word to format WhatsApp conversations

Hello, I am making a macro to edit WhatsApp conversations. When you access WhatsApp, open a conversation, tap the three dots ... End Function Before declaring limitP and the p counter, when I ran the code it ended up in a loop infinite and locked Word.

LibreOffice Calc Macro - how to capture selected ranges

I'm creating a macro in LibreOffice Calc and I need a way to select some non-consecutive cell ranges, and capture what those ... a" replace " in the selected cells, but it only works in a single interval. Thank any hint. Https://

Save path name and sheet name in a cell

Good afternoon, Guys, I need a function in VBA that I can select a file and write the file name and path to it in two cells ... xit Function End If AbrirArquivo = Filename Planilha2.Range("B2") = AbrirArquivo End Function Now, thank you!

How to run a word Macro via Python?

import os import comtypes.client path=r"path to the .docm file where I saved the vba macro" word=comtypes.client.CreateObje ... (1).Close(SaveChanges=0) word.Application.Quit() wd=0 I tried this, but got the following error: "NULL COM Pointer Acess"

How does one macro create another macro?

I have a spreadsheet of analysts, however, when the analyst changes or some new one comes in I need to copy everything the sa ... side the module and changes the fields where it has the name victor to the name entered via inputBox. I hope you understand.