
Is it really possible to use Magento for an online store in Russia?

There was a task to make an online store for the Russian-speaking audience. I think to use Magento, but I doubt about integra ... e built-in search is weak, for the English version you have to use a paid extension. How are things with the Russian version?

I modified the Magento base URL and it's all gone

I created a virtual store all in and now wanted to change everything to only ... ork, but besides the site is gone I can not access the admin of magento anymore. What do I do now? Did I lose all my work?

Email validation via jQuery

I am trying to do a validation in an email field, I even " can " do, but it is not 100% functional, I would like to cancel th ... 'disabled'); return false; } } $j(".validatex").bind("blur", validatex); $j("#validatex").bind("click", validatex);

Input email display only suggestions for EMAILS

Hello, I have an email input and for ease of typing and everything else I would like an "auto suggestion", but it is showing ... o do that? And I would like to add a validation, to see if the user typed with, and did this validation no blur.