Take news from

You need to take news from, by its own request, for example ... ts asks for a captcha, tell me what to do? If there are any ways. More options will work with Zy. This is all in php

How to download all files from a folder cloud?

There is a shell script that downloads a file from the Mail cloud. Can you tell me how to download all the files in it to a z ... ":"\([^"]\+\)".*/\1/') wget --no-check-certificate --referer=$URL "$URLPART0/$URLPART1/$FILENAME?key=$URLPART2" -O $FILENAME

How do I set up an SMTP server for mass mailing of emails? [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... ays to do without transactional email? Or maybe it is somehow possible to make your decision using a pool of IP addresses?

The problem with the encoding of the html message on

There is a php script that sends data to the customer's e-mail. I checked the work on Yandex mail and gmail, everything is fi ... mal Russian text is not displayed. I use the phpmailer class for authorization and sending emails. What could be the problem?