
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) does not accept Russian characters as an argument

Maybe there is an answer somewhere, but I didn't have time to find it, or maybe I didn't look enough... Why int main (int ar ... I'm not in a hurry, I want to delve into everything! Help, tell me who knows why this is so and how to solve it is possible?

Why can Java have more than 1 main method in a program?

Multiple classes and in each or in multiple main methods. Which one will be executed first and which one next, etc.?

How to remove the console window at the start without using WinMain?

Before the graphical window appears, a console window pops up at the start, how to get rid of it? (Without replacing main wit ... gui.recreateGui(); //state machine block QStateMachine machine; ... ... ... return app.exec(); }

Error: Could not find or load main class intellij Idea

The program returns this error when it starts. Registered in the commander klasspas C:\Users\yuri>cd\ C:\>set path="C ... ="C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_171\lib\rt.jar" C:\> I attached a screenshot with the program. What is the problem?

Is there a "main()" function in Python?

In some languages, as in C, we have the function main() which is usually the default entry point of the program. Is there anything similar in Python?

Cannot find Class Main (Minecraft Plugin)

I'm new to this area so I'm sorry. I decompiled a plugin using the JD-GUI program and took the src and imported into eclipse ... Qc6fp Plugin.yml Pastebin: Folder structure Pastebin: