
Compilation errors in Linix

When compiling ace, openssl libraries. When compiling mysql, apache. Drives in an error, for example: make[1]: Entering dire ... ng host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Throw in some ideas.

Using gmake

I was advised on use gmake instead of make ... local/sbin/sshd -t -f /usr/local/etc/sshd_config Privilege separation user sshd does not exist *** Error code 255 (ignored)

Cpuminer compilation

The problem is as follows: compiling on ubuntu 14.4 migrating the binary to four debian machines on one it starts normally ... sh ./configure CFLAGS= --with-crypto --with-curl make I also tried to compile on debian, but the situation has not changed.

Linux Debian does not have a standard make program. How to install?

Installed Linux Debian. All the standard programs are there, but I want to install pindgin and a couple more. And there it is ... off. site. I looked at the INSTALL and README file. I didn't understand anything. How do I install this make? Please write.

Makefile and include

Based on answers, thank you, I made this script: CPP = $(shell find "cpp/" -name "*.cpp") DFILE = dependence.d Programm: ... Class.cpp cpp/../h/SuperClass.h Main.o: cpp/Main.cpp cpp/../h/SuperClass.h cpp/../h/SubClass.h \ cpp/../h/../h/SuperClass.h

Data entry in C. Is not defined by getString () from cs50

Why don't I have string s = GetString(); defined? Hell.c #include <stdio.h> #include <cs50.h> int main(void) { ... hell.c:(.text+0x16): undefined reference to `GetString' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [hell] Error 1

How do I use gcc's ability to generate rules for a makefile inside the makefile itself?

I have a project where the header files are stored in the include folder, and the implementation files are in the src folder, ... ow did not understand why separately additional rules to the template work, and if they are generated automatically, then no?

How does the header file point to the library?

I started getting acquainted with make and asked myself this question.. For example, there is a connected header: #include< ... a". The linker sees the title bar, goes to /usr/lib . But how does he see the right library ? Iterates through everything ?

GNU Make C++. Linux

Perhaps not quite understanding what to look for, I can't find a valid example. The project is in C++, divided into subfolde ... is there a need to repeat in each the instructions of the libraries used(Boost, for example), flags, etc.? In advance thanks.

Struct defined in the file.auxiliary c (with Function Definition and structs) is not recognized in main

I'm doing a project in C, and I have 3 files: 1 .c containing the definitions of functions and structs. 1 .h containing th ... put all the code in the same file, and simply compile it, it works. Maybe the problem is in the makefile. Can anyone see it?

Makefile: what is it, and what is its purpose?

I'm wanting to stop using IDE, and a friend advised me to use a Makefile for my programs, so: What is Makefile? What is its purpose?

Run a file.R inside other code in R

I have a code that reads the XML files that are in a corporate network folder, and generates a file .RData. I have other code ... loaded into the RMarkDown markdown.RMD which generates the PDF of the report. If you need any more information, let us know!

MakeFile in C++ - Geany

Good afternoon, I'm new to programming in C++ using Geany. And I'm having a hard time when it comes to creating interconnect ... g++ -c Language.cpp clean: rm *.o output If anyone has tips on how to" interconnect " classes and main are welcome.