
Google Maps does not work after Gero APK signed to Google Play

Guys I have an application running Google Maps. I generated the access key (copied and pasted in xml ) directly on the Develo ... I'm trying to sign directly in the Android Studio IDE, in the build > Generate Signed APK Can anyone help me solve this?

Google Maps Latitude Longitude does not find address, but exists in Google Maps

I am using the postal code search tool. As an example: I am looking for the zip code: 04291-020 the return is: Rua Muller Car ... ake this search for LAT / LNG work the same way as Google Maps? Because in Google Maps it finds either with 1 L or with 2 L.

Subtitle in bookmarks on google maps

I created a dynamic map that displays multiple markers as per the query specified by the user. When I click on the marker, th ... n Google Earth it is possible to do, but it is local, in Google Maps I could not do. Has anyone done it? Can anyone help me?

System to measure distance between 2 locations on my website

Good Morning, I'm making a site where users need to calculate the distance between 2 locations. Does anyone know how or where I can use a system that allows me to do this on my website?

Do I need to put a link in my Google Maps

I have a map on my website, where the location of the establishment on the map has the logo, instead of the default PIN of Go ... style> #map { height: 432px; } </style> From now on I thank everyone for their cooperation!

Turn on current location Android Studio

I am developing a App Android that contains a map and that takes my location, but in some devices it does not activate this f ... s() .position(fw) .title("Marker in Sydney") .snippet("Population: 4,137,400")); } }

Change state color in interactive map

I'm using this map on a site / I would like to leave the states in which we have un ... defaultColor: '#cdcdcd', enableRegionInteractivity: true, }; But I wanted different colors for some states.

Google API does not appear on my page

Hello, I'm trying to insert google maps into a site MVC that Visual Studio 2012 already makes available for testing. Taking o ... ap: map }); } } google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script>

Collect route performed GPS-Maps

Guys, it's the following, I'm wanting to make an application that will display it to the user the route he made, the distance ... on made? What about the other data? I tried to Google something but the problem I don't even know where to start.... Hahaha.

How to make icon walk in Google Maps api

In my script below it every 30 seconds causes the icon to change position, so that the Icon some and appears at the next poin ... top: 10%; left: 0%; width: 100%; height: 765px"></div> <div id="log"></div> </div>

How to plot map with place names - ggplot-R

I downloaded the data and plotted a map with the population density of the cities of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. Bu ... fill = DENS_DEMO)) + geom_polygon() + coord_map() How to identify the places to be aware of the positions on the map?

Remove Google Maps options

I am using Google Maps and would like to take away all other options (restaurants, churches, schools, posts, etc.) and leave ... rker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: myLatLng, map: map, title: nome }); }

The Google maps marker does not change the icon correctly when clicked

I am working with the API from google maps to javascript and I am loading markers that represent the position of deliverers ... ackOverFlow (both in en-BR and in English) and found nothing that fits my need, if you can help I will be extremely grateful.

Map navigation Intent for all apps [Mount route]

I am looking for a way to give user option select which app ride their route (waze, google maps, uber...), but only does not ... e navigation of the google maps cute, but so it stops working in all other apps. I would like a way that works for everyone.

Replace Google maps maker A and B in the example " place autocomplete and directions"

I am studying the Google Maps api, and I am trying to customize this example of Google itself, but I have already read the do ... es=places&callback=initMap" async defer></script> </body> </html> Working example link

Ionic-custom buttons on google maps

I'm using ionic to create an app where I use the Google maps api I need to put some buttons floating over that map, as in the ... ld(controlUI);[google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_CENTER].push(controlMarkerUI);} I appreciate any help.

Angle within a radius google maps [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... aps.Circle around the marker? I hope I have managed to express my doubt, to better exemplify I am leaving an image below.