
How do I get directions to multiple google maps api points?

Please help with this problem: When building a route between two points, everything works correctly(we delete markers by clic ... } console.log(markerArr); directionsDisplay.setMap(null); routing(); }

How to remove specific bookmarks from a googlemap

So this app works like this: the user enters a journey that goes from Point C (collection) to point E (delivery). These poin ... method. I think the question can be summarized as: what is the best way to create a list with string, Marker, Marker types?

Replace Google maps maker A and B in the example " place autocomplete and directions"

I am studying the Google Maps api, and I am trying to customize this example of Google itself, but I have already read the do ... es=places&callback=initMap" async defer></script> </body> </html> Working example link