
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module was not found. Will not see cv2

The program uses cv2, I work in conda. Recently, everything worked fine, but then this error began to occur. I recently start ... ort module = self._system_import(name, *args, **kwargs) ImportError: DLL load failed: Not found the specified module. '''

Recognizing text in a specific area of a PDF scan in Python

There is a scan of the document in pdf format. How to recognize text in a certain area of such a document, more precisely, a digital number?

Input data for a convolutional neural network

I can't figure out how to convert images to the input of the convolutional network. For example, I want to recognize circles ... rk is trained on 100x100 pxs data: At the output, I want to recognize all the circles: The drawings are approximate.

Pulling a letter out of a picture

Greetings to all. I have been suffering for 2 days. I need to get these letters out of the picture, but I can't figure out ho ... What can I do about it? The main thing is to get the letter out of it. To be honest, I don't know what to do with it anymore.