
How to fill a select with angular using materialize

I'm trying to populate a select with data from my base the problem is that I have to always select the select once for the ... duto/Listar").success(function (produtos) { $scope.ListaProdutos = produtos; }).error(function () { }); });

Line spacing

I'm using the Materialize Framework on a site, but when I create two lines it gives me this spacing, does anyone know how to ... 6 blue">6</div> <div class="col s6 yellow">6</div> </div> </body> </html>

How to use Materialize with Angular?

I am developing a project, but even importing all CDNs, from angular and materialize, materialize JavaScript does not want to ... ferenceError: $ is not defined(anonymous function) @materialize.min.js:6',.. Note: I have already imported the jquery cdn!

Create a "table" with a " Collapsible"

I am creating a bill payment program for the company's customers to pay. The style is based on Material Design (I'm using the ... lt;/table> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

HTML layout ratio

I am starting a project using the library materialize css, I do not have much knowledge in layouts, I am having difficulties ... t; </html> Custom.css .login-container { margin-top: 10%; } .img-logo { width: 150px; height: 150px; }

Click on Carousel Materialize

Oi I am a few days away looking for the solution to the following problem: I need to create a carousel that is clickable (tha ... lt;script> $('.carousel.carousel-slider').carousel({ }); </script> </body>

Pin icon to bottom right corner using Materialize

First time I'm using materialize . I would like to know how to fix an icon in the lower right corner. <a class="btn-floating btn-large cyan pulse right"><i class="material-icons">edit</i></a> Natively if any.

How to hide a div if access is mobile in materialize

I am working on a project in which I need to hide or remove a <div> if the user accesses the system by mobile, searchin ... oogle I saw some examples of how to do this using Bootstrap, I would like to know if there is any way to do with Materialize.

Materializecss, change icon after attaching image in input file

I'm using materializecss to make a form. I would like help to make the as soon as the image is attached, change this icon: ... t;/div> <!-- .div-wrap Cria as novas linhas para inserssão de fotos --> <div class="div-wrap"></div>

Text font size within a button

How can I change the font size of the text inside a button? I'm using Materialize. <a class="waves-effect waves-light gre ... ect waves-light grey darken-3 btn"><i class="material-icons left">delete</i>Excluir Produto</a> Valeu.

How to align text with the center of the div with Materialize?

I own a div with a text and an image: This div has a block of text that must be aligned with the center. To do the align ... wrap: break-word; } strong#user-name{ font-size: 16px; } .avatar img{ width: auto; max-width: 7em; height: auto; }