
Changing Matlab Directory

I would like to know how to solve this problem; I am using a function block inside Simulink, however when I click Run My code ... this problem ? Note: I am new here and very inexperienced in programming languages, sorry if I was not so clear in my doubt.

MATLAB geometric figure recognition

The program in MatLab has to have as input an image(black and white) and as output a string with the name of the format of th ... roid(2),'Circulo','Color','g'); else text(stats(k).Centroid(1),stats(k).Centroid(2),'Quadrado','Color','b'); end

Error with Xlswrite in Matlab 2016

I'm having trouble saving Matlab data to Excel spreadsheets. I took a very simple example code: A = [1:257;1:257]; [statu ... s, I ran as adm, I created a spreadsheet to see if it at least updated and nothing. Does anyone know what might be going on?

How to write the intermediate result of a for loop to array, at each iteration?

Below follows the attempt of a code to calculate the following Situation: I have two vectors: "q_qp" and "pe", I need eac ... entre o último valor de "pe" e o vetor "q_qp".*** for n= 1:ca Q2(m, n)= [Q(i)] end end end

How to make a generic implementation of the bisection method in MATLAB?

Good Night, I am having the following problem: The code developed in Matlab to calculate roots of the equation using bis ... f(media))<tolerancia_desejada)) break end end %Exibindo Resultado da Operação fprintf('A Raiz é: %f',media);

Check if a certain value is in the vector

I created the vector fragil that will accept several user inputs, these inputs that will (or not) be the position of other el ... ntador(j)+1; end if contador (j)>1 porCobrir(j)=0; end end n_porCobrir=sum(porCobrir); end end

How to increase the size of a vector while maintaining its original shape? MATLAB

I have two vectors, one has vector x of 729 elements and the other vector y 429 elements, but I needed to assemble a graph (v ... e of the Y vector from 429 to 729 elements, but I wanted it to keep the original shape and be able to do this transformation

MATLAB function similar to Matlabfunction() in R

Is there a function similar to Matlab's matlabFunction()? Or how to do this in R? The function in MATLAB. syms x dados = in ... t= expr), list(x)) return (y) } But I still have to change the expression inside the function or pass it by parameter.

standard deviation of all elements of an array in MATLAB?

How to calculate the standard deviation of all elements of an array? The std function divides by column.How do you calculate by all elements?

Resize a vector in Matlab

Good afternoon. It is as follows, I used the following function to create an empty vector that later saves certain values req ... rresponds to the lines of the Mcoverture and the elderly, or the column of the Mcoverture corresponding to the frail elderly.

I am not being able to calculate the auto values and auto vectors of an array

How do I calculate the auto vectors and auto values of an array in MATLAB?

Matlab function for LN approximation (1-x)

Good Morning guys, I need to make a Function according to the image, but I do not have much knowledge with matlab, Could someone help me ? thank you !

Error in OCTAVE code

I just started programming in OCTAVE and my code presented the following error: Commands and function call >> A = ... olumn 3 With this, I tried other sources of research to find the solution, but none served me. I appreciate the attention

Changing the solver to global optimization in MATLAB

I have a solver called SolvOpt and it is good at solving my problem of not smooth and unrestricted minimization, but usually ... mented in MATLAB to globally optimize my specific problem using SolvOpt, preferably in parallel. Is there any way to do that?

Plot function in PYTHON or MATLAB [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... ot, because it is for a college report. Follows the function: f(X0) = 76 f(X1) = 121 f(Xn+2) = (2 * f(Xn+1) - f(Xn)) + 18

How to create color palette in MATLAB?

How do I make a color palette in MATLAB? I just want the palette, as in the picture, and not graphics or things like that....