
How do the algorithms for calculating matlab matrices work?

How do matlab calculations work? In particular, how does it work with matrices? Can anyone explain, or give links to the rele ... gorithm, or perhaps my class is not optimized that much. Matlab also performs all other operations with matrices much faster.

integrals in Matlab

Matlab doesn't want to count the integral, everything is fine with the integral itself, but in response it just outputs the unread integral( Can we do something about it, or will we have to accept it?

Decomposition of a function from two variables into a Taylor series

Tell me, please, how in Matlab to decompose a function into a Taylor series of two variables?

Solving a system of nonlinear Matlab equations

I solved a system of equations using the built-in method, but in the end I got only one point, instead of three. How do I fi ... 3.72*x(1)^5)+x(2); F(2) = 0.2*(-x(1)-1.5*x(2)+1.2); end And the script itself fun = @root2d; x0 = [0,0]; x = fsolve(fun,x0)

Output a string to MATLAB using the fprintf function

Hello, please tell me. I created the matrix b=250:-50:50 a=linspace(-27,53,5) w=[a;b] And now I need to output it using fpr ... ', w) But this way the title is displayed in both the first and second lines. How do I make it shared? Thank you in advance.

How do I make colored lines and markers in the ezplot function?

Here is the code but I need to have colored lines on the graph how do I do this? explot ('2*x^3 - 3*x^2 + 5', [-5 5]) hold on explot ('x^3/(x^2-1)', [0 3]) axis tight

Textscan function

I'm rewriting the program from MATLAB to Python. Is there a similar function in python textscan (textscan - reading data from ... ion Sample program code: fid = fopen(las_file); file = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n','whitespace', ''); fclose(fid);

Matlab in Python

Good time of day. Please help me with the code in Pyton. I have the value of statistical and result should match, but it turn ... = sum(csqscp); print ("statistic = ",u); result = scipy.stats.chisquare(probability,P,ddof = 4); print(result.statistic)

Filtering the Matlab audio signal

How can I implement filtering of a noisy real signal using only code? When working with harmonic signals, everything is simpl ... (3),plot(t,y), title("Выходная последовательность после оптимальной фильтрации"); It must be converted to an audible signal.

Fourier transform to MATLAB

Please tell me about the Fourier transform in the MATLAB environment. The 3rd day I try to understand through Google and peri ... e(-fs/2,fs/2,length(x)); area(f,abs(sfx)); title('Амплитудный спектр сигнала'); xlabel('Частота(Гц)'); ylabel('Амплитуда');

How do I select multiple columns from an array in Matlab?

I am creating an MxN array, need to select multiple columns from the end of the array, i.e. multiple columns with numbers N, N-1, N-2...N-K, in Matlab. A search of the documentation yielded nothing.

Matlab's Jacobi Method

You need to write the necessary code instead of comments. I'm not strong in Matlab, can someone help?) function JacobiRo ... ); k=k+1; endwhile k Lamda=A; endfunction function s=sign(x) if x<0 s=-1; else s=1; endif endfunction

What are the numerical methods for the least squares method?

I have the following code in Matlab: fileID = fopen('input.txt','r'); formatSpec = '%f'; y = fscanf(fileID,formatSpec); ste ... exp(x/b)+x^2/3+x' ? Or advise any other a numerical method for finding the coefficients of the resulting nonlinear function.

How do I set a vector of functions in Matlab?

You need to specify a vector consisting of functions, for example: g = @(x, y) x.^2 + y.^2; f = @(x, y) x.^3 + y.^4; It i ... the vector. So that you can specify a vector of functions as a parameter in a custom function. How to write this in Matlab?

How do I run the matlab function?

There is a function, tell me how to run it? function mu=bellmf(x, params) %bellmf – bell membership function; %x – input vec ... – concentration coefficient (>0); %params(2) – coordinate of maximuma. a=params(1); b=params(2); mu=1./(1+ ((x-b)/a).^2);

Error: Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals. When using size

Hello. Problem with using the size function. Throws an error during its first use. Code snippet: sz = length(group3items); d ... be real positive integers or logicals. Error in ==> Untitled at 226 Sz = size(group3items, 1); How can I fix this error?

Find the numerical value of the derivative of a function at a point in MATLAB

In the MATLAB environment, you need to find the numerical value of the derivative of the function at a point. x0 = -10; syms ... rative = subs(dv, x, x0); Returns a character value (-2*exp(5)), how to calculate it? do not prescribe the same manually.

How to make the result of the cube root unambiguous in Matlab?

Why in Matlab can the result of the cube root be correct, but not unambiguous? For example, >> (-5-3)^(1/3) ans = ... swer is different, although it is correct in both cases. How can you control which result you want to get - complex or valid?

Matlab Neural Networks

Hello everyone) please help me deal with NS in Matlab. There is an input of 66 neurons, and an output with one neuron.there a ... tor of 66 numbers}), outputs 66 values, and not one, as it should be in the output. What to do? how do I find out the answer?

Memory error (lack of memory, I understand)

There was a strange problem. There is a need to build one from several arrays, but Python does not agree and writes the error ... n entire trajectory, the steps of which are just written in these arrays. Can anyone have any ideas how to avoid this error?