
Python. Get the minimum and maximum values from a file

You need to get the maximum and minimum values from the second column and output the corresponding record from the first colu ... (maxval)) How do I add the output of a value from 1 column that corresponds to the minimum and maximum value from 2 columns?

Max error in C++

I recently came across a problem in c++. There is a variable int mx and there is a set set vals, it is necessary to pass the ... ()), but max breaks. Tell me how to salve the problem, please. int mx = 0; set <int> vals; mx = max(vals.size(), mx);

Is it possible to get both min() and max () from one Stream at once?

Let there be IntStream, is it possible to get from it a valid array or sheet, in which there will be 2 values min and max of the stream? Or is it even possible to somehow call the terminal method on the stream more than 1 time?