
How do I hide the navigation when the screen is zoomed out and leave the icons?

Home Delivery When reducing the screen size as much as possible to remove..home and delivery and leave only the fa fa-home icons ? Display: none tried deleting along with icons

I don't understand the nesting of classes/selectors in css

I make a menu that should pop up when the screen is smaller than the specified one. Everything works as it should, the questi ... t is important if only without a space between div and. menu why doesn't applying only class or class and li (.menu li) work?

Media queries don't work in sass

Here is a sample code @media only screen (max-width: 750px) .ic display: inline-block

Media query doesn't work in Chrome

Need on the page apply this code In firefox, everything works fine, but chrome does not want to. What could I hav ... </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </body> </html>

Define iPhone X, iPhone Xs, and iPhone 11 Pro via CSS

How do I detect iPhone X, iPhone Xs, and iPhone 11 Pro via CSS?

How do I make a media query by height?

Is it possible to set @media queries by height. For example, we can set, @media only screen and (max-width : 1600px){} I. ... these styles If so, how is the height calculated. I.e., the height of the browser( with or without bookmarks , search, etc.)?

@media request doesn't work

There is a code, I want to add a media request with a resolution of 992px. I look through the code inspector, but everything ... 2px) { .logo { display: block; margin: 0 auto; } } </style> <!--мой код--> </body>

The layout is floating in the adaptive range

Guys, help me out. In the layout quite recently, I don't know much, my head is already spinning. In general, the title is abs ... cyle"> <i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i> </div> </section> </body> </html>

How to change the content of an img src?

I'm trying like this but it doesn't work <head> <title>Woman</title> <style> bo ... <div class="desktop"> <img src=""> </div> </a> </body>

How to use Media Queries for Responsive websites based on device dimensions?

I confess that webdesign is not my strong suit, so I need to take away some crucial questions regarding responsive websites. ... Ex.: 4.5 " (@average...), 5.5" (@average...), etc? is there a standard of media-queries based on device screen dimensions?

Problem coloring table rows in print using @ media ASP.NET MVC

In my view the result of my table looks like this: In print: I put my used CSS styles in view inside @ @ media as fol ... } </style> What do I need to do so that in printing the colors of the rows in my table are the same as in my view ?

How to put the page number to print with CSS in @ media print

I want to put the page number when the user wants to print my web page. For example, when it is going to print my page, and it is broken into two, I want "Page 01/02" and "02/02" to appear on the pages, using CSS.

Show Full text of Textarea in Print

Taaarde Galera, I have a doubt, where at the time of print my textarea does not show the full text. I wonder if you could help me show it? Example of how this:

Navbar-brand preview on smartphones

I am a newbie and would like a help with a problem I am facing on my mobile site. I'm using bootstrap. Here is the result: ... ite; font-size: small; } #footer a { color:white; } #footer .fa { padding:0 5px; } Thank you attention of all

Media queries, Bootstrap or both? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ould use just bootstrap or use besides IT, media queries too? Bootstrap adds commands and functionality to html5, is that it?

How to put logo on sidebar or navbar depending on the screen size?

I would like to put a Logo ( brand) in the sidebar instead of the navbar for larger screens, and when you reduce the screen aspect ratio (mobile devices and tablets and smarts), the logo should go to the navbar Using Bootstrap 3's Media Queries.

Issue with CSS media queries

I'm trying to make my application run on smartphones , in addition to the default desktop. But I can't get the media queries ... </form> </div> </div> </body> </html> What am I doing wrong?

Css media Queries does not work and is conflicting

I am developing the responsive one page and diz documentation to do the media queries as follows: @media(max-width:767px) ... roduced and the CSS of the larger media query predominates. Follows what the Browser is doing showing: What's going on?

Media Queries does not work informed measures

Good afternoon! I am working the first time with @ media queries, I read a little saw some examples but when carrying out my ... } } @media (min-width: 576px) { .linha { margin-right: -15px; margin-left: -15px; } } </style>

How to change page footer size with @ media print

I'm creating a little system that would be for financial management, and within this system I thought to generate reports too ... ve already tested with all possible solutions, but even so, the footer always comes out buggy one way or another. Thank you!