
Cut off milliseconds from TimeSpan

Good day, Hashcode. I have an application in which a simple media player is implemented using the WPF MediaElement. There is ... re-I don't know. PS. As you can see from the code, there is a combination of WPF and WinForms, please do not swear at this :)

Android MediaPlayer background playback

Created by: MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer(); mp.setDataSource(FILENAME); mp.prepare(); Launched: mp.start Plays even whe ... lready running mp Question: how do I resume control of an already running mp in a newly opened Activity (after onDestroy ())?

Working with CheckBox in WPF. How do I use CheckBox to turn off music or the method in which it is started?

In my app, music plays at the end of the timer. The picture of it is at the very bottom. They are located (there are two of ... possible to implement my task in a simpler way? Is it possible to make the disable method? Why doesn't my option work?

The swf file does not start. How to fix it?

I tried dragging this file into the chrome window, but it just downloaded again. Flash version 32... If someone needs I need it for this.

How do I create a playlist in MediaPlayer Android?

How do I create a playlist to play multiple tracks via MediaPlayer? In the raw folder, we have three mp3 songs. how can I ... ack ++; if (track ==3) track = 0; music.get(track).start(); } }); } }