
How do value types and reference types work in Javascript?

I know that in C # there are value types and reference types and one of the differences between them is in memory management. ... that some variables are stored directly in the stack and others are stored in the heap only having a reference in the stack?

What is "overlay" and what is its connection with memory?

My college teacher was talking about the term overlay in relation to memory. I was confused about this term. I would like to know what is overlay and what is the connection it has with memory?

What is the difference in the syntaxes ptr = (int*) malloc(sizeof (int)) and ptr = malloc(sizeof (int))?

I have a doubt about dynamic allocation in C. At the time of allocating memory I have seen these two types of syntax: ptr ... t the difference in use between them. Each site seems to talk about something different. Could anyone explain the difference?

What is the difference between" calloc () "and"malloc ()"?

What does the function calloc() do that malloc() does not? Why is it almost not used?

Typedef struct with character vector in C is not working

I'm trying to create a constructive data type, but I'm having trouble with strings. typedef struct { char nome[3 ... dade = 22; printf(“%s : %d”, x.nome, x.idade); printf(“%s : %d”, y.nome, y.idade); Why can't I do x.nome = “ana”;?

How to avoid buffer overflow in C / C++

The program below allows the occurrence of memory overflow, since it is possible to overwrite the zero variable by putting a ... printf("Zero continua sendo zero"); }else{ printf("A variavel zero foi modificada"); } return 0; }

C program that reads a text file and prints lines in reverse order

I would like to know why when running the script below, the lines appear spaced, except the first line. Input Linha1 L ... n"); while (current != NULL) { printf("- %s",current->produtos); current = current->prev; } return 0; }

External and internal memory sorting algorithms

I was researching about the difference between external and internal memory sorting algorithms and found the following answer ... , there are several types of sorting but how will I know if this sorting algorithm is about memory Primary or secondary ?

What is page fault?

Was reading the Response from user Maniero regarding overlay and memory management. He cited the page fault that can occur ... is a page fault ? when does the page fault occur? page fault may influence performance or operation of my application?

What is stream?

Both in PHP and in C#, languages that lately I have used in my day to day, I have come across a common term: Stream. Always ... languages that work with data manipulation, such as files, temporary files, memory, or output buffer, also use this Stream?

Import multiple classes from the same package

I would like to know if there is any significant difference in making import java.util.* Instead of import java.util.Ar ... use them? Will it influence memory performance if I abuse the use of wildcards ? Finally, what is good practice? Related

High RAM consumption

My Visual Studio 2015 when I use to debug a c # MVC web project is with the following RAM consumption: Is this consumption normal? My computer gets very slow when I have to test some modification on a page.

What are the consequences of programming in 32-bit or 64-bit?

Would only memory capacity be limited to 4 GB in 32 bits? Do I need to have specific concerns? I know what's different about C, I want to know about C#.

What is the difference between performance between different types of string concatenation?

I know of 4 different types of concatenation of string in c#: // string Interpolation $"valor {variavel} R$"; // Verbati ... g, and also suggests creating a constant for the string he points to. How Far Does It facilitate and when does it hinder?

Xms, Xmx, XX: MaxPermSize, XX: PermSize - what's the difference?

I need to improve the performance and availability of my Glassfish application server which from time to time causes the appl ... rence between these parameters, what the purpose of each, so that I can decide correctly which values to set in each of them.

Message "Could not reserve enough space for object heap" in JVM

So I wanted to know what the limitation for memory allocation to the JVM depending on the operating system and processor arch ... its did not have this problem, only if you use java JDK 32bits. If anyone knows of a documentation, please also send a link.

How to allocate in contiguous memory a structure containing 1 vector with user-defined size?

I was thinking about how to answer this question and I came to the conclusion that I would need a data structure with: th ... tead of a vector with the pointers), how would I rescue the n-th element of type struct conjunto from this region of memory?

Dynamic allocation for struct

I need to dynamically allocate space for a structure, but I am not able and do not know of my error is at the time of declara ... "\t Estado: "); ler_string(info[posicao].estado, 2); printf("\t CEP: "); scanf("%lu", &info[posicao].cep); }

Flutter Dart consuming a lot of RAM during build

I have installed flutter for web, desktop and android. The problem happens on all platforms that I try to run a project, and ... M installed and if I leave the dart building the project it ends up consuming everything and android studio stop answering.

Lap allocate a memory based on the size of what the user typed

How can I make it right after the user enters a String the program counts the 'x' number of characters from this and allocate ... later, so before the string is 'picked up' there would be no bytes allocated to store it. Does anyone know how I solve this?