
What are they and Where are the "stack" and "heap"?

What are these stack and heap that talk so much about memory management? Are these really portions of memory as some people ... derstood by programmers. An explanation would be very useful for those who are starting out or have learned it the wrong way.

Is there realloc () in C++?

Is realloc() unique to C? Would there be any function that would be the same in C++?

Lack of memory in Java even the computer having memories available

Can Java Virtual Machine "JVM" run out of memory even if the physical machine has available memory?

Recovers image saved in internal memory

I am saving my image to internal memory using this code public String baixarImagem(String urlC, String nomeImagem) throws M ... know if this code is saving even the image. Can someone tell me if this code is right and show me how to retrieve the image

Exited error, segmentation fault in C

I am trying to make a function that returns me a date according to an integer and always the error appears: Exited, segment ... ; datas[i].ano % 10 <= k){ teste[i] = datas[i]; } } return *teste; }

Problem with valgrind and dynamic allocation in C++

I have a program somewhat larger than this, I have selected the part that I can not solve, are errors that seem unfounded, I ... (N1), numbers that, in another part of the project, will serve to take an average according to the selected aggregation key.

Dynamic allocation in C++

I was learning a little more about dynamic allocation in C++ on the internet, and a code from a teacher caught my eye. Is a ... caught my attention was that this code does not would it be invading memory since only a space of 2 bytes has been allocated?

What is the memory size according to the address size?

I'm having some difficulty answering two questions based on the following information: has hardware support for virtual m ... maximum amount of physical memory which can be installed? What is the maximum amount of virtual memory that can be accessed?

How to avoid array overflow in C++?

My program was exhibiting some weird behavior, until I found out that there was a burst of array , for example: int arr[3] ... ate the memory, generating unpredictable behavior in the program. How Can you make C++ warn (and avoid) when it occurs this?

How do I pass the address of the first char of a string to a function write to it?

The problem is this: I made a function that takes the output of a certain command from the OS and stores it in a string. The ... umber++; } pclose(fp); return 0; } Note: I know the code won't work, it's just to get an idea of the structure.

Segmentation failure: Core Image recorded

I made a code in C to find the smallest value and position of it in a vector x [N]. Every time I compile the program through ... enor = x[i]; posicao = i; } } printf("Menor valor: %d", menor); printf("Posicao: %d", posicao); return 0; }

C++ free (): invalid pointer aborted when trying to create a function

I'm trying to create a library for operations with arrays in C++ but I'm running into a problem. I created a function to pri ... [0].size(); j++) { cout << X[i][j] << "\t"; } cout << endl; } return 0; }

Error: stack smashing detected

I am having the error: * stack smashing detected * : terminated in my program I use the G ++ compiler (Ubuntu 7.5.0-3 ... lt; "=" << endl; } return 0; } The input I put is: 10 5 18 11 1 18, it should return C, but it returns F.

How to free memory in a WPF application in C#? [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... Seems to be related to RadGridView's x:Name, I did some testing and apparently improved the scenario but I'm still parsing.

Store multiple boolean States in only one bool variable [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... like that. So, would it be like in this 1 byte to store more than one boolean state since true / false would only need 1 bit?

Limit RAM usage in R

I'm running some analysis and would like to fix the RAM usage on R to be able to use other software simultaneously without an ... variables x 60 thousand observations. Another option was to use h20, but I end up using more RAM because I have to call JAVA.

Why does my SD card corrupt on arduino rescue?

I have a 4GB Kingston micro SD card and a datalogger code that deletes the exiting file and creates a new one with the new va ... upted and other unreadable files are created. Why does this occur? And how to solve? Below are the unreadable files created:

Pointer pointing to another pointer, how to use free () correctly?

When I have a pointer pointing to another pointer like: int *ponteiro1 = malloc(sizeof(int)); int *ponteiro2; *ponteiro1 = ... I use the free(ponteiro2) command, so am I deallocating the ponteiro1? If yes, should I then do some treatment for ponteiro2?

Error when deallocating array-double free or corruption C

Hello, I'm making a program to rotate an array, which after allocating performs the rotation function, and then deallocates t ... in the case, the cop Matrix), x and y is the size of the Matrix necessary for the image to be rotated. Theta = 90º as example

What are logical operators and how does bit-by-bit operations work in the C language?

What are logical operatorsNOT, AND, OR, XOR, in language C? I also did not understand these operators: ~, &, |, ^, > ... printf("x <<2 = %d\n", y); y = x >>2; printf("x >>2 = %d\n", y); system("pause"); return 0; }