
How to get the meta tag information from an external url?

I need to get the meta tag from a specific external url, but I found only examples using jquery to perform this functionality ... meta-tag-with-javascript Does anyone know how I can get the information from meta tag of any url using pure javascript only?

Meta keywords is still needed?

I have been reading about meta tags, and many sites that it is no longer important for Google and other search engines the us ... the project in which I am developing. After all, meta keywords are still needed? Does it still have any weight for seekers?

Dynamic change of viewport meta tag

Is it possible to change the viewport of a page and have immediate effect without having to update it? Assuming I have the ... ther thing: should the viewport with width set in pixels contain px or just the number (e.g. width=1024, or width=1024px,)?

What is the function of the X-UI-Compatible meta tag within HTML

Could you tell me what is the function of this meta tag inside an HTML document? <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

OG picture in various sizes

I own meta with og: image on a website in the size of 300x110px; Until then everything is fine, I share the website on soci ... the box where it will display will be smaller? Or any way I say that in each sharing display the og: image is of such size.

Error with OG: Facebook TAGS [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... r of these two models that I used works right only on home session and watches and giving error on glasses and wedding bands.

Link with error when sharing on Facebook and Whatsapp-Wordpress Site

I'm having a rather annoying error when it comes to sharing my site's posts in Wordpress. Facebook Facebook does not load the ... I checked the html code and Facebook meta tags are there normally, I have Yoast SEO plugin installed but it did not solve.

Open Graph Facebook does not show image

Dear, Facebook does not show the page image automatically. For the image to appear, I have to go to the Facebook "Share Debug ... contains a loop."I imagine it is because it has 2 versions. I've been breaking my head for quite a while. I appreciate help.

Thumbnail Open Graph does not appear on Whatsapp

On the site that I am mainta ... of

What are HTML meta tags for?

I would like to know how useful the meta tags of HTML are. And if there is any book you could recommend me about them, becau ... ed to understand more about this subject. It can be in English or Spanish, but if you have Portuguese too, it would be great.

Meta property is not working on face

I have the following html structure, but when I put my url on facebook, it does not open the image with the title. But on twi ... maisguarapari.png"> <meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="Mais Guarapari - O Portal da cidade de Guarapari - ES">

What are the http-equiv="Pragma" and http-equiv="Cache-Control"targets for?

I am using the W3C validator in an old project and it has identified some errors in the following goals: <meta http-equi ... > <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache, no-store"> What is their actual functionality? Are they still used?

Meta tags, is there to set the image of the site?

I have a question, I use the meta tags to enter the description of the site, the author, keywords etc. I would like to know, ... e when sharing this link or any other is always displayed an aggregate image, dai wanted to know how did I define this image?