
Application of 5s in Agile methods

Much has been said about Scrum, XP, lean... But here at work they speak a lot also in the Japanese 5s. Is there any link to this working methodology for software development?

How to make development time estimates?

I'm starting to try using Kanban in practice. In case, I work alone, so I'm trying to seek this answer in a context where the ... o get around these complications that I cited? What is the " metric" used to assign a certain number of time units to a task?

What is vision document?

I would like to know, what is a vision document? Obs.: I searched the internet and I believe that the explanations I found w ... did not provide me with examples of vision documents and because they did not tell me why the document is called Vision etc.

Is Scrum an incomplete methodology? Or: Agile needs UML?

Scrum and Agile are very popular, but what do they offer of benefits? In the case of Scrum, I can see the improvement, contin ... here Should these disciplines come from? What does it serve to complement the Scrum nowadays? Does the staff care about that?

What is the daily meeting in the SCRUM methodology for?

To my superficial look at Agile methodologies and based on management books, a recurring or fixed meeting followed by short i ... ss. The question is: What differentiates the daily meeting of the SCRUM from other existing meetings in a company/business?

What are the benefits of peer programming?

Programming was almost always done by one person, who creates, analyzes, tests and compiles the code, All by himself. Until a ... eme P rogramming). What are the benefits of having someone By Your Side while you program? Will this really make work faster?

What are Evergreen Browsers? Does this TB philosophy apply to systems development?

I heard this term, Evergreen Browsers in an English lecture on the evolution of browsers etc., but I did not quite understan ... traveling? Would have something to do with or have something to do with Progressive Enhancement (improvement progressive) ?