
how to convert a png image to 1.0 binary without PIL / numpy Python

Hello everyone. The ultimate goal is to project the image onto a monochrome / LED screen We have a small image, black and wh ... the plan is to then run all this on the microcontroller. So you need to make everything a minimum of the basic functionality

How to write / read data to an SD card (memory card) micropython esp8266

Hello everyone. I have esp8266mod nodemcu. With Micropython firmware esp8266-20191220-v1. 12. I want to save data from the ... r does not see it either. Maybe there are instructions or code examples somewhere, preferably with both reading and writing.

How to convert int to bytes?

I work with the controller ESP8266 on the firmware MicroPython, I receive data on the bus I2C; to configure the controller, I ... not know how to transform the resulting object of type int into an object of type bytes. How do I do this myself? language?