
Implementation of UART data reception on 1986VE92U milandr

I work with a debugging board for a domestic microcontroller 1986VE92 from the company Milandr. I implement data reception an ... ); UART_init(); while(1) { } } I can not understand what the error is, please help. My question is about:

AT commands by UART STM32

I'm moving from arduino to stm32, there was a problem with the UART'om, or rather with understanding how to do it "beautifull ... buffer to create. Plus three more UART communication options, which one is better suited for emulating Arduino Serial.read()

Smooth switching on of the LED on the STM32F103

Hello everyone. I need your help. You need to develop a program to smoothly turn on and off the LED using two buttons and the PWM timer TIM1 on the STM32F103. How to do this is not clear.

Using c++ in microcontrollers

Please tell me, is it possible to use C++ for programming microcontrollers? Are there any restrictions for the C++language?

I have a problem lighting the LED in the microcontroller device discovery stm32f373

I used STM32 cube mx and the HAL library the program was executed, but the LED did not light up. Performed the work according ... for his controller.Description of STM32F3 HAL and low-layer drivers STM32F373xx If the Russian documentation is about this?

Automation of the vegetable garden [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... advise. Who has any suggestions? I've never done this before. worked with microcontrollers, etc. Sorry for the incompetence.

Circular buffer data parser

I program STM32 to C\C++, there is a ring buffer of incoming data (whether text or binary). Naturally, you know the format of ... ncrease, the parser swells exponentially. The question is actually as follows: how to organize the algorithm more correctly?

STM32 timer interrupt does not work

There is an stm32f103c8 microcontroller on a Chinese debug board. I want to flash the LED with a frequency of 1 Hz through th ... { GPIOA->BSRR = (1<<1); } else { GPIOA->BSRR = (1<<17); } i = !i; } }

How to convert int to bytes?

I work with the controller ESP8266 on the firmware MicroPython, I receive data on the bus I2C; to configure the controller, I ... not know how to transform the resulting object of type int into an object of type bytes. How do I do this myself? language?

Firmware ATmega32u4 sketch arduino with external quartz on 16000

How to flash an arduino ATmega32u4 with external quartz without using bootloader? I understand you just need to fill in the compiled one .hex via avr dude in ATmega32u4 using normal USBASP. If you need to change the fuses, tell me.

Programming attiny2313 in C

I wrote the code in C++ for mk attiny2313 I would like to know how this code should actually look, because I believe this cru ... else { count = 0; PORTB = 0b00000000; } } } }

How to turn an int (number) into a char (string) in C

I'm trying to move an int (number) to a char (string). I use the following code: int adcResult = 333; char h = (char)adcRe ... e program is written in MPLAB for a microcontroller of the dsPIC33 family (for some reason it does not support this library).