
Python. Get the minimum and maximum values from a file

You need to get the maximum and minimum values from the second column and output the corresponding record from the first colu ... (maxval)) How do I add the output of a value from 1 column that corresponds to the minimum and maximum value from 2 columns?

Is it possible to get both min() and max () from one Stream at once?

Let there be IntStream, is it possible to get from it a valid array or sheet, in which there will be 2 values min and max of the stream? Or is it even possible to somehow call the terminal method on the stream more than 1 time?

Finding the minimum number in the DataGridView matrix, error "the specified cast is invalid

Please do not rush to throw me links to such questions, first read. The code that used to work like clockwork now gives an er ... oString()); } } } I look at it and I don't understand what the difference is, help.