
Port not found-Arduino IDE on Linux Mint

I recently started using Arduino and went through a migration process(windows to linux mint), I came across a frequent error ... upload. Below follows image with the error I described, I would like help to interpret this output and solve the problem.

Use period instead of comma on the numeric keypad with Linux Mint

I'm using Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa On my numeric keypad the dot button (.) clicking insert comma (,) I tried to enter the settings but did not find the option that makes this change Is there any way to configure my Button behavior to do this?

Error instalar.NET core not Linux Mint

When trying to install .NET Core on Linux Mint using Snap through the Command sudo snap install dotnet-sdk --classic, at the ... se Mint is an OS that, like it is also based on Debian. I did not find anything specific to install on this operating system.