
Generating subsets algorithm

I am studying the book "Olympiad programming"by A. Laaksonen. There is a problem about generating subsets, and the following ... , but if it is {1, 2, 3, 1}? Then it won't work anymore. Question how to finalize it, so that it finds all subsets correctly?

Python. Sets

I made a program, everything works, but if 1 task still outputs normally, then 2 does not, because you need the numbers to be ... ", "6", "7", "8", "9"} result=list(set(a) & set(n)) print(len(result)) result1=list(set(a)-set(result)) print(result1)

Simplify the view of the set

To simplify the form of a set given by operations, applying the laws of set algebra (the answer sets can enter no more than once): (A ∩ B)∆(¯A ∩ B) What's next? Can I take B and move to left B?

Countability of sets

The most well - known way to prove the uncountability of the set of real cantor numbers is the diagonal process. If we apply ... rs can be counted. I suspect that the error is that you can not apply cantor's diagonal method for rational numbers, but why?

Output words from a list and sets in python

How do I get words from a list and a set in Python without parentheses? For example, from the list ['end','nend'], you need ... ckets, so that there are just 2 words: end nend And from the set, the same thing. How do I output data in multiple rows?

Checking sets for equality

set<string> s1; set<string> s2; How to check the sets for equality correctly?

Task "Number of words in the text" (Python) - the code deals with " postscript"

You need to determine how many different words are contained in the text. In this case, a word is considered to be a sequence ... that the shells are sea shore shells. It should be 19 words, but for some reason I have 20 ... where is the error? Thanks!

Intersection of Python sets

Two lists of numbers are given. You need to output the numbers that are included in both the first and second list. I enter t ... (list(set(a) & set(b))) And for 7 8 9 7 8 9 4 5 4 5 I get the output: [] And I would like to [4, 5, 7, 8, 9]

set elements are not fully displayed in C++

The loop at the end of the program does not output all the elements contained in the set, but only a part. that is, it should ... tSet().begin(); it!=c.getSet().end(); ++it){ cout<<(*it)<<endl; } return 0; }