
I can't import any Python modules

I want to import the module requests From Python into a program I'm doing, but it doesn't stop giving the following error, as ... eu programa And my program (the file . py) is located directly on the desktop of my Mac. Where is my mistake? Thank you!

Import PySimpleGUI in Visual Code

I'm having an error when I use PySimpleGUI import PySimpleGUI as sg ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PySimple ... can also use the random model. PS: I don't like Spyder very much and my computer crashes when I simultaneously open the two

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'wordcloud'

I'm using Microsoft Azure with Jupyter notebook and I need to use the word cloud. However when executing the Code: from wordcloud import WordCloud it presents the error In module named 'wordcloud' See Image:

AttributeError: module ' 'has no attribute 'IsosurfacesValidator'

I have an interactive graph in python. The code below works in Azure Notebook, but I had to migrate my code to JupyterLab and ... le':'Quantidade'}, xaxis={'title': 'Problema'}) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) py.iplot(fig)