
What module can I use to find out the temperature/load of the CPU and video card in Python?

I found answers on the Internet, but the modules either had problems with Windows 10 (On which I work), or simply output the wrong information that I need. Suggest something suitable.

Yii2 Module Routing

I write an api module in yii2, and use it for versioning submodules. And the problem is that I can't access the page in the s ... rest\UrlRule', 'controller' => ['api/v1/user']], '/' => 'site/index', ], ], I need your help.

Qt C++ does not see the standard C++libraries

I write a program in Qt. And when you add modules to it, the following comes out. Let's say everyone knows string.h, the c++s ... matching function for call" strcmp" so is c compare. Question why does qt not want to see the standard values of c++libraries

What does the "No module named." error mean and how can I fix it?

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module> from mechanize import Browser ... chanize\", line 119, in <module> from _version import __version__ ImportError: No module named _version

difference between module.require () and require() node.js

I apologize for my English, but in the documentation for node modules.js everything is written in such a way that I was not e ... module is typically only available within a specific module's code, it must be explicitly exported in order to be used.