
Modules in C++ - what is it and when to use it?

What are modules? Why are they needed and how do they differ from header files? When should I use one, and when should I use the other?

Node js. Problems with connecting modules

Introduction A very unusual error, related, as it seems to me, to the cycles between module calls (because otherwise I can n ... e. In google, I didn't find anything similar with node js module loops, and I don't know which way to dig anymore. Thank you

the concept of Modules in JS (ES6)?

Please explain what is the purpose of exporting and importing individual modules, if in the process of connecting js files wi ... body> </html> (Well, except for the extra request to the server) Are there any differences in this modular system ?

I can't install the module discord.py

I can't install the module discord.py, via the standard pip install discord, console output: Collecting discord.py Using ca ... to build multidict yarl ERROR: Could not build wheels for multidict, yarl which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly

How to get a url link to a vk image

I study python, work with the vk api, use the vkbottle bot module (that is, for a group). The bottom line is that a person wr ... кой async def wrapper(ans: Message): #здесь нужно как-то извлечь url(оригинал) await ans(f"Готово!") bot.run_polling()

Typing in python

Unfortunately, I don't know how much the title corresponds to the problem described below, if it can be considered a problem ... his is a normal phenomenon, and the fee for dynamic typing. The only question is how to deal with it? And how to write code.