
Why is the constant NAN evaluated as true when testing it with is numeric?

I was doing a test with the constant NAN in PHP, since until then I had never used the same. I ran tests out of curiosity. I ... ssion, two other tests revealed contradictory results: is_float(NAN) // true filter_var(NAN, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)// false

What does 1e+24 Chrome console mean?

I noticed that when I type in the chrome console 1000000000000000000000000 it returns me 1e+24. And when I type 100000000000 ... 0000000000000000000 is different from 1000000000000000009901591 Why does this happen? and how to differentiate the two?

Function that returns the smallest prime number in Python

Was writing Python code that would receive a number and return the first prime number less than or equal to that number. I cr ... n=n-1 else: x=primos_menores_que_10(n) if x==1: return n n=n-1

Integer division returning a different result than expected

I am having a problem with integer division in python and R. The language returns a different value from the "correct" in the ... rest(%) different from 0 in these cases. (The image is python, but in R you get the same values, as I tested on my machine)

Check that number is equal to the sum of the squares of 4 consecutive prime numbers

I need to make a program in which I type a number and the program checks if it is the sum of the square of 4 consecutive prim ... part of checking if the number is Prime is correct, the problem is at the end, all numbers give false. Anyone have any ideas?

What is the meaning of the statement of the twice multiplication operator?

How does the multiplication operator work when declared twice, for example: $valor = 10**5;

Is there a difference between number and parseFloat?

When I need to turn a string into a number in Javascript, I can use both the Number object and the parseFloat function. Examp ... s. which of the two should I prefer to convert a string into a float type Number? is there any difference between the two?