
Generate random numbers in Python without repeating

I have the following situation: I have a vector with 4 indexes. Each index generates a random value from 0 to 100. I have ... randint(0, 100)] print AP_X I wish that never repeated numbers are generated. For example: [4,4,6,7] How can I do this?

Generate multiple random numbers without repetition

I've made some attempts to make a function that returns random numbers that don't repeat, I've made a few attempts but none were successful, if you can show me a function that does that thank you.

What is Mersenne Twister?

PHP has a function called rand. There is also a function called mt_rand. I was studying about these functions and realized t ... kill this curiosity: What is Mersenne Twister? Does it have anything to do with this Sower or the randomization process?

How to select by Bank the column value I used the random method()

I made a project on Android that is a hangman's game, where I can record the word and a hint in the SQLite database. In my Da ... rteada; } public static double random() { Random r = new Random(); return r.nextDouble(); } }

Randint does not generate random numbers the second time I use it

My randint when used the second time it does not generate new random numbers, it remains with the same numbers generated. I k ... ge(len(matriz)): for i in range(0, 3): print(matriz[c][i], end=' ') print(' ') print ('\n')

Random draw, but with different odds

I am implementing a system where the user clicks on a button and a draw with balls of different colors occurs, but for each c ... I have to create a list where the amount of items represents these odds and then hold a random draw or is there a better way?

Drawing strings from an array with weight

My doubt is as follows, I have an array with all cities in the country,+ - 5000 cities, I have a function that draws one of t ... 0.0000...1% , but that would be crazy, it would only make sense in very small arrays anyway my minimum unit in % would be 1.

How to generate random numbers but with some restrictions in python?

import random v=[1,7,15] x=random.choice(v) How do I generate more numbers "1" than "15"? In 10000 times, choose 1 number a ... mber 1 must have come out about 40%. Number 7 must have come out about 30%. The number 15 must have left approximately 30%.

By clicking the button to call javaScript function the sum button

I am trying to make a code to generate random number in javaScript, I put a button to be able to call the function, calls the ... button" onclick="Mudarestado('minhaDiv')">Sortear número</button> </div> </body> </html>

Creating an object with a random internal data [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... tate: Paraná DDD: 60 How can I do to does each object, when creating the constructor, have its own randomly generated DDD?

Generate random number without repetition in C

Hello, I am making a memory game in c, and I would like to know how to generate a random number without repetition. I will p ... { matriz[i][j] = (rand()%8)+1; } } } mostrar_mesa(matriz); }