
How to fill in NaN if one value is possible?

Let's imagine a table of two columns in a dataframe: 0 NaN 0 NaN 0 1 1 0 1 5 1 NaN 2 0 0 NaN 0 1 2 1 2 NaN 3 NaN 3 500 3 N ... y the only non - NaN value on the right? Desired result: 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 1 NaN 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 NaN 3 500 3 500 3 500

Replacing values with NaN

I work with a table of data that has both positive and negative values. How can I replace all positive values in a certain column with NaN? I tried it like this: df.loc[df['days_employed'] > 0, 'days_employed'] = "NaN" But I got an error.

Outputs in the compiler instead of the number nan

Created a list of numbers 3 5 1 9 struct Data { int a; }; struct List { Data d; List *next; }; ... >d.a; ++count; } cout << "Average = " << double(sum)/count << endl; return 0; } Why?

Why is the constant NAN evaluated as true when testing it with is numeric?

I was doing a test with the constant NAN in PHP, since until then I had never used the same. I ran tests out of curiosity. I ... ssion, two other tests revealed contradictory results: is_float(NAN) // true filter_var(NAN, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)// false

What does Nan mean in javascript?

When we have an error in the sum of a number with JavaScript, it is returned NaN. Example: parseInt('a') + 3; //NaN What Does NaN mean?