
Open and close multiple tabs in the browser with Python

Hello I need a help. I need this script I have (Python and JS) to open a certain number of tabs and after a time interval clo ... ser.execute_script('"","_self").close()') browser.execute_script('window.close()') time.sleep(2)

JavaScript-open new tab and close current

How can I open a new tab in JavaScript and close the current one? I tried to use this error code but 500 on server Redirec ... ttps://, "_blank");</script>"; echo "</script>window.close();</script>"; Could anyone help me ?

Print document to printer without user interaction

I need to print a document by sending directly to the printer without the user having to choose the printer. How do I do this ... has the possibility to do with window.print, but then opens the print screen to select the printer, which is not what I want.

How to force favicon update.the ico?

I'm having a problem with favicon.ico, it appears wrong. A while ago, I made a website that used a favicon.ico. After that, ... ontinues. Could It Be Chrome's thing saving this in "cloud" similar to what it does with bookmarks? If it is, how to fix it?

How to detect a mobile device in Javascript?

I have a web application with AngularJS, where I need to know if the user is on a mobile device to improve their experience, ... g question is what should I test to detect any type of mobile device? How should the implementation of isMobile() look like?

Replace default browsers CTRL + F with a jQuery event

Where I have tables in my system, in almost all used the dataTables plugin to customize, but my plugin ta a little modified. ... sable this default browser search and use only the my trigger? Or do you have to do another way to achieve this result ?

Unauthenticated Script

Time or time again I come across an icon in the browser bar stating that the page is trying to load scripts from an unauthenticated source. Why does this occur?

How to display a browser's http request, and the server's http response

I would like to obtain this information to study complete examples of https protocols with Cookie and Sessions, either through Java Socket, PHP. If possible through the browser itself.

Force link opening in mobile browser and not on facebook?

While sharing a link to a page on facebook is by a messenger, or some other the post when the user clicks on it, the same wil ... xternal:true }); And I also tested this one here, but it didn't work either'', '_system');

How to Change http accept language in Firefox Developer Edition?

I am developing a website that should work for Portuguese and English - preferably automatically. By php I have already taken ... code I enter (in the case of Quick Accept-Language). I need one of these two browsers pretend it's gringo! Any suggestions?

Force a shortcut open Firefox directly on a page

My system is a tax obligation manager and works on any browser practically, but I have not tested at all, so I do not know if ... th Linux distros I managed to do quiet. I couldn't do anything example, because it was all via interface what I tried to do.

Access peripheral devices through the browser

I am developing a web system for financial control you need to print invoices in thermal/fiscal printer. Would it be possible to integrate this device through the browser or will I be required to develop a desktop application for this?

How to see on the desktop the mobile version of this site that is not responsive?

I need access to the mobile version of the articles of a certain site on the desktop, for the development of an extension. ... a mobile-specific subdomain, but changing the User-agent to a mobile does not solve either. Does anyone know what's going on?

Is there any way to save the edits made in inspect element?

Well, as the question says, is there any way I can manage to save locally in my browser the changes made to inspect element?. So that whenever I go to such a site, it is edited as I did? The preferred browser would be Google Chrome. Thank you.

What do security modules commonly used on bank websites do?

Most banks offer some kind of security module that acts on the client side for access to internet banking websites. They are ... d on all websites and ultimately comes integrated in all browsers? Why use Java instead of, for example, a browser extension?

How does Utorrent open by browser [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... I would like to supplement the question, using the custom URL protocol it is possible to send parameters to the application?

From the developer tool is it possible to activate the Device Keyboard? In Chrome's DevTools to simulate the keyboard?

I am testing a website in the mobile version by Google Chrome DevTools. I know that by the developer tool in addition to bein ... ols the option to show a mobile keyboard to visualize how the site would look with it open? Type as in the picture below:

In DevTools is there any way to capture the entire screen of the site even if it has scroll?

I don't look for chorme extension or screenshot code etc. I just want to know if this developer tools has some native option ... how I make a capture fullscreen of the site, even if it has scrollbar. Like these whole site images we see out there. Ex:

What does the cipher " $ " mean in the browser console or in JavaScript?

On any empty page (without any library), typing a $ in the browser console returns a function, as shown in the print below in ... what this $ (single or double) means or the function it returns in the console and what would be its application in practice?

Is EcmaScript 6 supported by current browsers?

Can EcmaScript 6 features available in JavaScript already be used in a way that is supported by current browsers? I would like to know if this version is already supported as a whole (and not just specific features of it).