
Redirect doesn't work in ajax form Drupal 7

Hello everyone, I have no problems: There is a self-written module that creates a multi-step form on ajax. At the last step, ... p, it happens the same as in 1 case. At the same time, on the form page (not in colorbox), everything works out as it should.

asp.net how can I update the field value with data from the drop-down list if this field has a two-way link and the "void" is not included in the drop-down list

My field is associated with the fallout sheet databinding, but the table has data(test and left, but necessary) in which this ... "ObjName") %>'></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField>

form input search route

There is a form <form method="post" name="do" action="" class="search-area"> <input type="submit" value="Поиск ... ddress after entering and clicking http://localhost/index.php/main/search?search=слово Where the word is the variable $search

What does it mean in html / javascript?

I went through a problem where a tag was presented <script> and it contained these HTML comment characters. Function e ... t; <body> <button onClick="Alert()">Funcão Exemplo</button> </body> </html>

Print HTML page keeping the page CSS

Good afternoon guys, I have a report that is generated on a page aspx with bootstrap and CSS. The content of the report is in ... in print: The stylo in the table zebrada does not even appear the edges of the report. Can I print as per the first image?

Preventing data resend when refreshing page (F5) in ASP.NET

Guys, I'm having the following problem: I have a web application made with ASP.NET it's C#. In this application I have a s ... xecutar esta ação')"; Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "myscript", myscript, true); }

Control 'ContentPlaceHolder1 name' of type 'TextBox' must be entered in a format mark with runat = server

I'm doing a job for college, a web forms application in Asp.net C#. I am having a problem and until then everything was going ... e; } else { return false; } } } I count on your cooperation! Grateful now!

Change the name of the pdf file to hash and then be able to undo the name to read again

I'm doing a functionality on a system where; Any sector will upload an important file, this file contains confidential inform ... . Remembering that, windows does not allow some characters (* / \ ) for this reason I would like something that is simple.

Access peripheral devices through the browser

I am developing a web system for financial control you need to print invoices in thermal/fiscal printer. Would it be possible to integrate this device through the browser or will I be required to develop a desktop application for this?

How to create events in a for replay structure?

My doubt is as follows, I'm developing a program (I'm a beginner) in C#. The part I wanted to improve, is this: I'm wanting t ... tArgs e) { } void btn2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } // E assim vai... Is this possible? If so, help me? Grateful!

Difference between the types of buttons

What is the difference between the following components ? <button type="button">Click Me!</button> <asp:butto ... , event question, manipulation, click effects. For example if I need to use the onsubmit Javascript event will all 3 work?

FPDF - I need to customize the text that will be printed [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... $pdf->MultiCell( 190, 6, "Caro $nome [b]CONTRATADA</b>"); $pdf->Output(); ?>

Asp.net WebForms. Timeout error exceeded in SQL Server. How to solve?

A ASP.NET WebForms it uses the SQL Server 2008 I'm creating a screen that has a search field that works with the requests AJA ... lic void Dispose() { if (dbConnection != null) dbConnection.Dispose(); } } What could be happening?

Gridview inheriting properties

In all my grids I have to set many properties, I would like to know if there is any way to set the properties only at once in a single place. Grid example:

Remove semicolon character and spaces from last email from recipients list

Hello, I want to send my emails as below: [email protected];[email protected]; But it is giving me sending error, since it is t ... a-z0-9\\.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}?)*"; if (Regex.IsMatch(destinatario, expression)) mail.To.Add(emails); } }

The underlying connection was closed: unexpected error on a receipt

I have a web site that communicated with a WCF. This Wcf communicates with my " DAO " which is a Class Library where I have t ... request context by the server (possibly due to service shutdown). See server logs for more details Can anyone help me?

Generate TXT file with custom letter font

I am creating a code that generates a txt to print to a printer Matrix. However, I would like to change the font of the lett ... ption ex) { //porque ele está sendo usado por outro processo. string err = ex.Message; } Thank you!

Difference between a master page and web form

I would like to know what are the differences between a master page and a web form, because I need to create a web page and I want to know which is the most advised!

Error converting HTML to PDF

I need to make a PDF from a page HTML, but when converting I get the following error: Cannot convert an object of type ' ... rse(str); document.Close(); Response.Write(document); Response.End(); } } }