
RSA encryption by Modulus and Exp with node-rsa

I do authorization on the site, the password is encrypted by the public RSA mod+e. Key HEX: d3bcef1f00424f3261c89323fa8cdfa1 ... 3fb', 'hex'), e: 65537 }, 'components-public'); const encrypted = key.encrypt('qwerty', 'hex'); console.log(encrypted);

Why does Youtube-mp3-downloader give the unexpected token error?

I try to understand the library Youtube-mp3-downloader but I constantly run into the error SyntaxError: Unexpected token How ... videoId] = callback; // Trigger download,; }; module.exports = Downloader;

Why does HTTP authentication fail? nodeJS request

Hello everyone. Trying to make a request using the request{[3] module]} request({ url: config.endpoint+'/name', aut ... thentication scheme (HTTP Basic access authentication scheme) with the header is used "Authorization", according to RFC7617.

How to access static methods of a class included in consign in NodeJs? [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... project in another way? I'm new to node js and javaScript, so I still get lost in some concepts and any help will be welcome.