
Access token validation

There is a backend application that provides a REST API (spring boot). To access the application, you must pass the Authoriza ... lue is not present on the JWKS uri. Is this an oauth2 server error, or is it possible to check the access token somehow else?

Google Drive Api PHP Creating a folder and opening access via a link

The task is as follows: when registering on the site, a folder on my Google drive should be created for each person and a lin ... } echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } get_files_and_folders($client); ?>```

How to get a temporary CODE token in the Yandex API.Money?

In the yandex-money-sdk-pytthon documentation, there is an item: After that, user fills Yandex.Money HTML form and user is ... de = OAY.get_code() CODE = OAY.get_token(code) access_token = Wallet.get_access_token(client_id, CODE, redirect_uri)

Authorization via social networks: exit

I fasten authorization through social networks and I can't understand whether it is possible to determine that the user has a ... s: let it not catch the very moment of logging out, but the fact that when it is accessed, the user is no longer on Facebook?

Redirect uri error with oauth2 vk

Please help, I have been fighting with VKontakte and OAuth2 for a long time, everything is smooth in facebook - there are pro ... tion":"redirect_uri is incorrect, check application redirect uri in the settings page"} Tell me, what could be the problem?

Check the VK user ID and access token

I want to authorize a user in VK in iOS / Android applications, and on the C++ server make sure that the VK id from this user ... ion id that this token generated. So, how do I check if the user's real VK ID is transmitted to the server using the VK API?

OAuth2, Spring Authorization via vk-error invalid token response TokenType cannot be null

Hello everyone I'm trying to implement authorization on the site via social networks such as VK, OK, Google, Facebook in Spr ... ttp.addFilterBefore(tokenAuthenticationFilter(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class); } ////*************.... }

How to organize registration on the site via social networks?

Colleagues, welcome! I'm not a beginner in PHP, but I almost didn't work with authorization via social networks (except in t ... ies on this topic - where what keys to take, where and how to register for the developer, what libraries and how to use them?

How can a WEB application that uses OAuth for authentication manage the user session?

Usually sessions are used to hold data from a given user after they have logged into the WEB application, and it is the WEB a ... types a WEB application that uses OAuth for authentication receives as OAuth server response when the user is authenticated?

Facebook login error

When I try to log in by facebook through my application, it gives the error: URL blocked: the redirect failed because th ... k developers, it was to work the login. However, I did this procedure and the error still persists. How do I solve this ?

Question about Twitter API

In the documentation says the following: Tokens have passwords Keep in mind that the consumer key & secret, bearer ... e password too. If anyone knows, report it here. Source: https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/users Am I right or wrong?

Send External Login data to Controller

I need to log in through Facebook, I have the login page, which renders a @Html.Partial _LoginExternal follows the code of t ... Url.Action("ExternalLoginCallback", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl })); } What in this code is wrong, or missing ?

Google consent screen does not open

I made an application that has the function of backing up to Google Drive, but it does not work when I put on some server, it ... DriveService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credencial, ApplicationName = "items", });

How to authenticate user using their Google account in an app built with Expo (React Native)?

I am developing an app with PHP on the backend and react native on the mobile frontend. The app already has a web frontend wr ... Expo as on the web? or, how to use access_token to access profile information, such as name, email and avatar at the Expo?

How to customize the authentication failure error to return a message in the response Body?

When Spring Security fails to authenticate, Spring Security returns an error in the response Header. I would like to customiz ... valid", "userMessage": "You are not authorized to perform this operation", "errorCode": 30001, "moreInfo": "" }

Problem with OAuth2 and PHP to log in with Facebook

On my website I have the user option to log in with their Facebook account to store their creations and etc.. It always worke ... string(3) "158" } } Has anyone experienced the same problem recently and managed to solve it?