
How to know when the computer will shut down/restart/hibernate / suspend in Delphi?

I have a system that works with websocket in Delphi with mORMot, when I restart the PC or when I turn off it executes OnClose ... end else if (pMsg.PowerEvt = PBT_APMRESUMESUSPEND) then begin // Retornando end; pMsg.result := 1; end;

How do I change the path of my database when running the program?

I'm starting to program with Delphi XE8and using Firebird 2.5. I managed to implement my database and it is working all ri ... try to do this because I don't know how to start. I know how to change the parameters of the connection before compiling ".

How to display removable disk drive letters in Delphi?

Hello, I need to make a" ComboBox " display the letter of the volumes of the flash drives that may eventually be connected to the Computer, How can I do this?