
Pre-declaration of the class in header files

Player.h #ifndef PLAYER_H #define PLAYER_H class ResourcePack { protected: // something }; class Player : ResourcePack { pu ... w can I pre-declare the Player class in the Render.h file (since it inherits from the ResourcePack class, nothing comes out)?

What does const*mean?

It is with a star-demonic constructions can take the form const char* const* blah_blah, char const* blah int const* con ... y of combinations. How to decipher these characters, and why would anyone even need to turn around in const, like a silkworm?

Constant pointer and C++constant pointer

We have the following statement from the book by Stephen Prata-The C++ programming language (6th edition). Page 330: You ... pointer (*ptr). The actual question is, what is the author trying to convey and what did I misunderstand from his statement?

example of the need to use a pointer reference

Hello, I wanted to find an example of mandatory use of a pointer reference... I never found it... here, let's say, there is a ... with a reference to the pointer, otherwise, so that the value of the pointer does not change or something else happens to it

Anonymous classes in c++

This code compiles quite normally. class { public: //... } anonymous; Why and for what purposes are unnamed classes used?

Declaring a global variable inside a function

Is it possible to declare a global variable in a function? If so, how?

const at the beginning and const at the end

Please explain why const is done at the beginning and const at the end, and what is the difference in general? const Cash Product::GetPrice() const { return price; }

multiple definition in c++

There is such a file header (header). #ifndef GLOBAL_H #define GLOBAL_H enum { SPRITE, PANEL }; struct global { int ... mT2vV.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status makefile:4: recipe for target 'all' failed