
The number of products in categories in the main menu of ocStore 2.3 is not displayed

There was such a problem. Engine: ocStore In the main menu, you need to display the number of products in the cate ... ' : ''),, the number of products in the entire store is displayed. An error occurs when using getTotalProducts($filter_data).

How to display the number of products in the ocStore category

Let's say there is a page of the category " apple". My-site.ru/apple This page displays products only from the correspondin ... ay the number of products in the viewed category to another place on the site. Who-thread will help? In which file to search?

in OpenCart, the main page does not work after activating SeoPro

OcStore after activating SeoPro, the product pages work fine, and during the transition to the main page, the error ... basedir none =================================== Screen-htaccess screen-ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS What could be the problem?