
The number of running threads is less than expected by C++ OpenMP

I have the following problem: I am trying to set 4 threads in parallel areas, but I see that only 2 are working. Ed. The vari ... le "test" everything works as it should, and I see that all 4 threads work. Tell me, please, what kind of mistake did I make?

The maximum number of threads in C++ OpenMP is always 1

We set the task to write a couple of algorithms in C++ using OpenMP. Since I have a Macbook, I had to install the Clion IDE a ... o set it. I must say that I have not worked with C++ or C ++ before. OpenMP. OS: macOS Catalina Beta Version 10.15.6 (19G36e)

How to parallelize a loop?

I have about a trace. code for (;;) { do { //тут нужно расспараллелить } } I would like to parallelize what is i ... hat we need to create two threads that will execute this code, while they do not need to be deleted and created 100500 times.

Parallel implementation of Hoare sorting

There is a task to make a parallel implementation of quick sorting, but I get it so that the parallel algorithm works many ti ... ; double time = end_time - start_time; printf("%f", (double)time / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); delete[] A; cin.get(); }

Parallelism and simultaneity

Reading a few things on the topic, I realized that they are not the same thing, so I would like to find out: What is the difference between parallelism and concurrency in processes?

How to decrease runtime using openmp

I wanted to know what I can do to decrease runtime using Openmp threads. I made a code to add the values of a vector of size ... on(+:soma) for(i=0; i<N; i++){ soma += vet[i]; } printf("Resultado: %ld\n", soma); return 0; }