
Should Entity classes implement Serializable

Looking at old videos and articles on Hibernate, I found that all the Entities in their examples implement the Serializable i ... and does not complain about anything. Well, do Entity classes need to implement this interface, or is it a relic of the past?

How do I write an ORM on this? Subquery

DELETE FROM news WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 100) Delete the last 100 records from the table

Using the relationship() function in SQLAlchemy

Explain why SQLAlchemy uses the relationship function() when creating object classes associated with DB tables, if foreign ke ... a table and its associated object? Specify examples that show how a class is used that has fields defined via relationship().

group by and annotate in django

Hi everyone. After searching, I found out that group_by is not available in django, I was surprised why? I found something th ... But the request has for some reason GROUP BY "schedule_schedule"."id _ schedule", Why is this happening? How to do it right?

How does JDBC and ORM work?

I read a lot of information about JDBC and ORM, now I would like to test my understanding of working with databases in Java a ... nt projects, that is, sometimes it is profitable to use JDBC, and sometimes ORM. Please tell me if I am reasoning correctly?

Please explain how Update works in the Entity Framework

I don't understand how to work with Entity Framework. After Laravel and its ORM, it seems to me a completely unfriendly techn ... ticize my code and I will be grateful for useful comments that could simplify the life of readers. Thanks for your attention!

Why is RedBean considered bad?

I decided to study ORM, my choice fell on RedBean, during the training I learned that many people have a bad attitude towards ... ORM or Eloquent What is the problem with RedBean? Now there is already version 5.4.2, maybe this version fixed the problems?

Nuances of BITRIX ORM or how to convert a field value

There is an entity, in which the virtual field is set in this way in GetMap (): 'DATE_START_PROP' => array( ... '%s', "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS"), array('DATE_START_PROP'), array('data_type' => 'string') ),

What is a model?

Quite often, the concept of a model is found in terms of, for example, MVC or ORM. But what is it ? Let's say we have a tab ... a little confused. Here, the User class is the bin (bean), and the model is the entire table. Do I understand correctly ?

ORM or SQLite in Android

At the moment, in the process of learning the Android SDK and Java. I assumed that only SQLite and Shared Preferences are use ... tial stages write applications with local data storage using ORM? Or is it better to use the standard SQLiteOpenHelper class?

Error 0xc000007b when installing MySQL

In connection with what it crashes in this case and how can it be eliminated?

Should I make a composite primary key?

I study this question, there is such a phrase in the answer Composite primary keys typically arise when mapping from le ... other column, which is essentially nothing won't do it, because all the work with the database is usually done by frameworks?

ORM and SQLite, can it be used simultaneously in Android?

Hello, tell me how to implement saving photos from the camera in ORM? To create a registration in the application, do you need SQLite or can it be done via ORM?Can I use it at the same time?

Problem with RedBeanPHP

require "rb.php"; R::setup('mysql:host='.$host.';dbname='.$db,$user,$password); $Type = R::dispense( 'Type' ); R::store($Type ... edBeanPHP\Facade::dispense('Type') #2 {main} thrown in /storage/ssd5/276/3652276/public_html/online/rb.php on line 12675

Search in the ratio of many to many

There are two tables - the table of (musical) instruments and the table of notes. They are correlated as many to many. The li ... task. It remains only to try it and rewrite it to sqlalchemy. As soon as there is time, I will do it and post it here result.

What is the difference between refresh and persist in doctrine 2?

What is the difference between $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->persist($entity); $em->flush(); And $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $em->refresh($entity); Thanks.

Hibernate difference between Session and EntityManager

I would like to understand the difference between these two objects. From what I read on the Internet, I realized that Entity ... question is what are the advantages of Session over EntityManager, for what is it worth giving up portability when using it?

Entity Framework Core X Entity Framework 7

What are the main differences between Entity Framework Core and Entity Framework 7? There are scenarios in which one is more indicated than the other. It's so much version and so much name change that I'm lost.

OneToOne JPA 2.2 unidirectional mapping

Hello, guys. I am using JPA + hibernate 4 on top of the database structure (MySQL 5.6) below. I am in doubt in the relations ... rivate BigDecimal percentDamageHit; @Column(name = "id_body_part) private Integer idBodyPart; // get and set }

How to create composite keyed entities in doctrine?

I have a database that works with compound keys, and I am implementing the use of the Laravel framework. This is my bank st ... ght way. Does anyone know a way or tool to generate these entities or have any examples like this of multiple composite keys?