
Letter ç in VS Code editor

The cedilha " ç " disappeared in the Visual Studio Code that I use on the MacBook. This happened some time ago after an update. Works in any editor except VS Code. Has anyone been through this before?

Stretched image in Safari

I am having an image problem in safari browser as they are getting stretched only in this browser. The problem occurs on both ... work out. Is getting like this: This is the page link . And here is where I tested to get the image from Safari Browser.

Automatic closing of single and double quotes vscode

My vscode does not automatically close single and double quotes. I have already disabled all extensions, autoclosing is alrea ... em still persists. VscodeVersion 1.15.0 (1.15.0) MAC osx: Version 10.12.6 (16g29) " editor."autoClosingBrackets": true,

Do I need a MacOS computer to program Swift 4 and ObjC?

I'm doing a lot of research on application programming for iOS platform, and all the online courses I find computers are from the Apple line. To program Apple, do you need to have an Apple computer?

Error using urllib library

I'm trying to make a simple application Hello World by taking a look at the documentation with the library urllib in order t ... rtificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1045)> Could anyone assist me in resolving this?

MacBook Pro Retina screen is breaking layout in Bootstrap CSS

How could I solve this, I have already tried this more did not work: @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio ... 1200px) { .col-lg-6.widescreen { width: calc(100%/2.05); } } As it is appearing: How it should look:

ADB does not recognize Android device on Mac OS

I'm trying to activate the mode of debugger on my Motorola Razr I to be able to run my Android projects on the device itself. ... e emulator. What can be happening so that the Mac does not recognize my phone, or what am I forgetting to do or doing wrong?

Commands in the Mac terminal

I tried to install Composer on OSX 10.10.3 following the site instructions: curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | ... oes not execute these commands and returns me the following message: -bash: curl: command not found How can I fix this?

How to simulate a button click in swift (for MAC OSX)

I'm making a program for Mac and I need to find a way to" click " a button from a code. I'm trying to put this code on anoth ... tton1: NSEvent) { } Button1.sendActionsForControlEvents(NSControlEvents.TouchUpInside) Does anyone know how to do this?