
Modx revo slider on owl-carousel in two rows

There is a layout of the slider of this type: <div class="owl-carousel brand-slider"> <a href="#" class="br ... the other...if there are fewer links, such as 5, then three at the top, two at the bottom. How can this be done? 1 3 5 2 4 6

Owl-carousel images instead of dots

How do I make the owl carousel have images instead of dots? JS: $('.owl-carousel').owlCarousel({ loop: true, items: 1, ... /div> <div class="item"> <h4><img src="img/13.jpg" alt=""></h4> </div> </div>

Make the owl slider carousel adaptive to the bootstrap grid

The project uses the bootstrap grid and the owl slider carousel. In the desktop version, two slides are displayed. How can ... } } }); UPD When adapting a slide, the script sets the wrong width item. How do I change breakpoints in owl?

How to start Owl Carousel after 2 seconds?

I have an owl Carousel slide, when the site is loading the images load in half and the autoplay, already starts and starts to ... ps://blog.emania.com.br/content/uploads/2016/02/direitos-autorais-e-de-imagem-750x375.jpg" class="item"> </div>

: first-child no.active owl-carousel does not work

Good Morning! I am using owl-carousel plugin which has several items. I need to get the first and last item on the front pag ... gardless of how many items you have. Obs.: sorry for the lack of accent, I'm using a vm and the keyboard is disfigured... :(

Is it possible to change the shape of the buttons in Owl Carousel?

I have a slider made with Owl Carousel but I can not find a way to change the buttons next and prev. I would like to make a circle with the arrows inside.

Why does my Owl Carousel not work? What am I installing wrong?

I'm setting up my owl carousel "custom" and I can't get it to work on my computer. I did everything as the documentation dict ... n play">Autoplay</a> <a class="btn stop">Stop</a> </div> </body> </html>

Paging with Owl Carousel

I'm trying to do with a paging format with owl carousel, I did as this answer, but I couldn't get past that. <link ... ar currentIndex = $('div.active').index() + 1; $('.num').html(''+currentIndex+'/'+totalItems+''); </script>

owl carousel does not work [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... iv class="item"><img src="img/03.jpg"" alt="Mirror Edge"></div> </div> </body> </html>

Bug when loading imagnes with owl-carousel

Good Morning folks, Please help me with this problem and I thank you right away. I have a list of images and data that are n ... }, 1000: { items: 4, loop:false } } }); });