
Import multiple classes from the same package

I would like to know if there is any significant difference in making import java.util.* Instead of import java.util.Ar ... use them? Will it influence memory performance if I abuse the use of wildcards ? Finally, what is good practice? Related

What is the difference between ~0.0.1 and ^0.0.1 in package versioning of type package.json?

This code is an example: { "dependencies": { "gulp": "~0.0.1", "browser-sync": "^0.0.1" } }

Generate random numbers in R with bivariate Skew-Normal distribution

I did the script below, but I have doubt if the same is correct, I need to generate a bivariate vector with Skew-normal distr ... uilding a script for regression model analysis, so the means are generated according to a linear model. Is my script correct?

I'm having trouble compiling a java code using packages on linux

I don't know exactly the command to compile a java file on linux that shares the same package. I tried to follow this tutoria ... private String valor; public Classe02(String s){ valor = s; } public String getValor(){ return valor; } }

I can't find my function in package R

I made a function in R and included it in my package I made. I clicked on clean and rebuild and soon after I did a check. Als ... function script so that it is not exported Obs.: the rearrange_repgroup function is in the same package with my functions