
How to do PHP and MySQL pagination?

I want to do a pagination on my blog. I will not have on the first page 50 posts, so I want to limit the page to the last 15 ... our history and everything does not appear on the page since we installed it, we have buttons to say "oldest", "most recent".

Pagination with Jquery

I searched on some sites and here on stack looking for how to create a paging script with the following characteristics: ... ay, like easyPaginate itself that I cited above $("#pagination").paginar({ elemento:figure, elementosporpagina:3 });

Limit links to display in PHP and Bootstrap pagination

Good Morning! I would like some help to limit the amount of links and be displayed in the pagination. My links display like t ... pan> <?php } ?> </li> </ul> </nav> Can anyone help me? Thank you!

Pagination within modal window in bootstrap

I have a modal window in bootstrap, and inside it a pagination, it happens that every time I click on some link from the pagi ... t;/li>"; } $return.=$next; $return.= "</ul></div>"; return $return; } }

On-demand pagination with Angular or JavaScript

How to do an On-Demand paging with AngularJS? I have 2 particularities: 1-jQuery cannot be used, only Angular or pure JavaS ... you increase the number it will definitely break. Here you have an example of pagination in question of how I want to do.

How to put the page number to print with CSS in @ media print

I want to put the page number when the user wants to print my web page. For example, when it is going to print my page, and it is broken into two, I want "Page 01/02" and "02/02" to appear on the pages, using CSS.

Load content automatically when you reach the end of the page

I want to do an automatic Facebook type a pagination, which when it reaches the end of the page it automatically loads anothe ... each ($post as $posts){ ?> <?php echo $posts['ID']; echo "<br>"?> <?php } ?> Nothing is happening...

Ranking database [#1 of 10]

I need to rank the DB Records during paging. At first I do not intend to create a field for the ranking. Assuming having 10 r ... have no knowledge for this case... I would like to know if there is another way to mount this QUERY... I accept suggestions.

How to do paging using PHP and MYSQL [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... </td>'; echo '<td>'.$r->nome.'</td>'; echo '</tr>' } echo '</tbody></table>';

How to camouflage a page link

Example I see many pages creating an m3u file and hosting but if I try to paste address in the browser to download the file the page redirects without downloading or showing the file to another page. this is done on pages php