
Object orientation - how to find the right abstractions?

Actually the question I'm wanting to ask is exactly this: how to identify classes in an object-oriented system?. However, I w ... ead of finding the most appropriate one is also incorrect, finding the right abstractions seems a little harder than before.

What are the limitations of the object-oriented paradigm?

My experience is more with the object-oriented paradigm. Ok, " if all you have is a hammer, all problems look like nails." A ... ld pay more attention to them), are there others that the OO programmer needs to be aware of? What are the weak points of OO?

How to program in a modular way?

I am studying some concepts here and want to see if I have the right ideas and also throw a question(s). In modular programm ... ly. If it's too much of a question, let me know I break. Perhaps indicate which specific topic deserves a separate question.

Does PHP mix object orientation codes and procedural language?

I am learning PHP, and from the example I have seen on the internet there is a mixture in the coding of programs, from object ... this really common or am I wrong? If PHP is an object-oriented language, to what extent is this mixture interesting or not?

When and why use a parameterized constructor?

I'm very confused. I wonder if it is better to use the default and the setters to assign a value to the attribute, or if it i ... better to assign the values to the attributes via the parameterized constructors and use the setters to change their states.

What are the features of structured programming?

I would like to know what are the characteristics that define the paradigm of structured programming, and what is the differe ... ; } void subtrai() { printf("\n\nSubtracao: %d", valor1 - valor2); } Note: Can cite examples in the C language.

What is reactive programming for?

I've read what is Reactive Programming?. The answer sounds good, but it's theoretical. I understand what it is, but I don't k ... ied like this? Need to run on multiple servers? Or is it an option? Is it a paradigm? Is it a framework? Can I use in .NET?

What is paradigm?

What is paradigm? Is there any more important than another? Is The same thing as design pattern ? Is it the same as language?

What does document-oriented mean?

I have seen that there are numerous oriented terminologies, such as Object-Oriented, agent-oriented, aspect-oriented, class-o ... main qualities / differences of this paradigm? is this term only applicable to database? If not, where else can it be used?

What is a meta language?

I found in SO En this question: Creating meta language with Java, in which the user has an interest in creating a meta langua ... it says that: [...].In computing, a well-known meta-language is BNF or " Backus-NAUR Form " What is a meta language?

What is procedural and non-procedural programming?

I read in this answer , but without much detail, that: "[...] procedural programming is an evolution of programming s ... sometimes used as a synonym for Imperative Programming [...] More what really is procedural and non-procedural programming?

Advantages of using object-oriented PHP? Where to use? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... directly into building a web system. What is the actual use of OO in PHP? Something example of how to apply OO on a website?

Imperative language incorporating functional elements

Yesterday I was reading an answer about the differences between the paradigms functional and imperative, and I came across ... incorporating features of the functional paradigm, to try to understand the idea behind the functional model a little better.

Is an executable in Imperative Programming Language smaller than an executable in Object-Oriented Language?

Well, that's it, usually object-oriented programs have several different calls to Small Methods for passing messages, encapsu ... atever the step, so they can go pretty low level, like design decisions at compiler and architecture level, preferably ARMv7.

What is business rule and application rule? What defines a mechanism as one or the other?

I know that has question about this in general. But I want to go to the specific. When you create a business class, a Clien ... en if this is not the case in this example. Do you have other examples that can more clearly demonstrate what each thing is?

What Is event-oriented programming?

What is event-driven programming? what differs between event-oriented programming and Object-Oriented Programming? What languages can we cite that are event-oriented?