
What is the meaning of std::forward when passing parameters?

What is the difference between the following two ways of passing parameters? template <typename ...Args> smth(Args &am ... (args...) {} template <typename ...Args> smth(Args &&...args) : base(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}

Why do I need an ampersand in a function parameter?

Please tell me what role the ampersand plays in the parameter of this function because the program works correctly both with ... summands_it) { cout << *summands_it << (summands_it != summands.end() - 1 ? " + " : "\n"); } }

Variable number of parameters in Python (according to the book "A byte of Python") [duplicate]

This question is already answered here: ... for key in keywords: count += keywords[key] return count print(total(10, 1, 2, 3, vegetables=50, fruits=100))

Passing a parameter by a c++reference

How do I pass a function a parameter by reference with a default value? void func(int &i) void func2(set<int> &am ... that the variable i is assigned a default value, and the constructor is called for s to use the set set in the function body.

Passing pointers to a C++function

A question about C++. When passing an ordinary variable to a function, a copy of it is created, as I understand it. And what happens when we pass a pointer? Is a copy of the pointer being created or not?

Java. Why can't I change the object reference in the method?

My teacher asked me to answer a number of questions. And two of them are very confusing to me. Why can't I change the o ... zed that by is always by value but I didn't understand exactly what it means. Could you help me figure this out? situations.

What are these parameters in POST?

When I click on the "save" button, a request is sent to the server , this is an email from the Tinymce editor with pictures. ... ru|[email protected]" ["mail_body"]=> string(34) " 1" ["attach"]=> string(0) "" ["hdir"]=> string(10) "17.05.2018" }

Function parameter in c++

void f(int i) {} -- this function expects to get one int parameter and returns nothing. void f(int *i){} -- this one is waiting for a pointer, I understand. void f(int &i){} -- what does this function expect at the input?