
SSH in Python, paramiko

I saw other discussions but found nothing useful import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy ... execute, but this doesn't happen, why? The code itself is executed without errors UPD: I checked, it connects and "logs in"

Login removed to superuser mode on Debian 10 using python paramiko

You need to use the Python language to remotely change the ip address to the Debian 10 OS using the paramiko library. To chan ... stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command("ip a") stdin.flush() result = print(result) ssh.close()

How to prevent Process finished with exit code 0? (Python)

Hello. If I run the script without a function using the paramiko library, then everything is OK, but if I use it to communica ... tely , then the script works, but ends: Process finished with exit code 0. How do I prevent the script from shutting down?

Using Python and ssh (paramiko)

Good afternoon! How do I write code to connect to a remote host with an embedded paramiko module? You must run the command us ... h code works. The script should be executed as follows: ssh [email protected].** > ls-al (on the remote host) > write to log.