
Call to undefined function password hash()

I am trying to encrypt the passwords entered during registration using the password_hash() function. But I get the error: ... ord_hash($pass1); $repass = password_hash($repass1); P.S. I checked with the hoster the php version: - version 7.3.13 (alt)

Authorization in Node.js / Express via Passport.js or Auth0

The website must be authorized using different services, as an option and 2-factor. Includes by email.mail with the registrat ... option for the whole paintings. What is the best design pattern to use in your code when choosing an authorization strategy?

How do I use password hash()?

Who already uses this function, tell me how to properly organize password processing with its help so as not to screw up pass ... the database? Approx. which column to use in the MySQL database how long should the column be example of using the function

Password hashing in MySQL

Hello everyoneThere is a MySQL database.It stores the password hashed via password_hash.The PASSWORD_DEFAULT method.Is it possible to display it in the admin panel so that it is displayed in unencrypted form or not?