
How to programmatically disable Android data transfer

There is a service that checks in the background which type of network is 4G/3G, and if the type of 3G should be disabled dat ... ue); // (true) to enable 3G; (false) to disable it. setMobileDataEnabledMethod.invoke(iConnectivityManager, false);

Noise-proof coding: Are there options between simple parity control and hamming code

I need to encode the parcel (8 bits) in such a way that transmission errors, if any, can be detected at the receiving end. T ... in the transfer rate is also annoying), and the parity control is insufficient. Are there no solutions somewhere in between?

Arduino sending data to a TCP server

Hello, please help, I was climbing on the Internet but I could not find a clear answer, Google is trying hard to push me to s ... o receive them at the same time, or if the transmission is active with one arduino, the second will choke, how to avoid this?