
Correct translation from pluses to C

#include <iostream> using namespace std; void swap(int *a, int i, int j) { int s = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = s; ... loop, the question is: "How to fix it?" Here is the result of the program output on the pros: And this is what I will do.:

How to correctly translate the technical task from English? Slick Slider

I can't quite understand what this line means: Use Slick slider for hero section + relative slick slider for posts. Literally ... ke turns to go up in the slider? Give a link to a similar slider by opportunities. I attach a photo of a part of the layout:

Morse code translation into Russian letters

There is a code for translating Morse code into letters, but it does not want to translate more than two letters. How can I c ... essage]: new_message = letters[message] else: new_message = "This cannot be turned to morse code" print(new_message)

Automated word translation

For example, there is a link https://translate.yandex.ru/?lang=ru-en&text=текст When you click on it, the word "Text" in ... tion that when you click on this link, ONLY the text itself is answered? Empty HTML page absolutely and text at the top left.

Translating words to access the api

Good evening to all, I'm making an application with the weather, I've connected to the openweathermap api, but there are citi ... ish, and give it to the api. There are no ideas, except for downloading a collection of city names in Russian and in English.

Advise the most complete and correct English-Russian (and vice versa) dictionary / translator of IT terms, please

Many IT terms are not translated into Russian clearly. Transliteration like "port", "upgrade" or "patch" does not cause probl ... two actions you can quickly get short and convenient for quick perception translating a given term purely in an IT context?

Example of translating code from C# to C++

I have code in C# (esemples. cs). I'm trying to translate it to C++ and I have a couple of questions. I will try to explain t ... h, int imageHeight, ISet<int> *badPixelSet) ?????? (*interpolationPixels, InterpolationLine *a, InterpolationLine *b)

Dynamic translation of QT c++

I want to make all the labels in my app translated from Russian to English by selecting the option in QComboBox or by pressin ... the option or even set the English language (by default default Russian). What did I do wrong? Or is there an easier option?

Translation of the English term "linearithmic" O (N * log N) into Russian

Linearithmic time complexity - linear-logarithmic complexity, O(N * log N) Are there any "short" translations of the word li ... ное [9] линлогное [9] линарифмическое [15] линейнологарифмическое [22] More options?

How do I translate the text of an HTML page?

The application parses the HTML page. An HTML page has text, images, tables, and other content. The language of the text on ... I.e., do something similar to the translation function of GoogleChrome: go to any site, and translate the page into Russian..