
Why are there separate comparison operators for strings in Perl?

At work, I had to deal with programming in Perl, and I noticed such an illogical thing: [do somesthing] unless $a < $b; I ... rrectly? Or is this another special exception so that some programmers work better, and the rest complain about the illogic?

What can knowledge of Perl give me and what is it good for?

I think I'll start learning Perl. Something I liked about him. But I think-is it worth it or not? So I decided to ask the knowledgeable people. What is the Perl language good for and what can I get from knowing it?

Which server language should I choose if I'm going to become a javascript expert? [closed]

Closed. This question should be specified . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... into the past (or am I wrong?), I like Java, but this language has so many different hypostases that I get lost. Maybe C#?

The difference between Morbo and Hypnotoad in Mojolicious

Please explain to me the difference between Morbo and Hypnotoad in Mojolicious. How do they differ?

Installing the Modern::perl module via CPAN

Please help me figure out where CPAN installs modules, I'm just starting to learn perl and I'm not very good at using it. In ... e question, please help me figure out how I can start using the say and other commands from the 5.10 version in my scenarios.

Formula for finding the third vertex of a right triangle

Guys. Not good at mathematical transformations. Maybe someone has a ready-made formula for finding the coordinates of the thi ... s, but there the devil will break his leg... Maybe there are already ready-made formulas for finding the x and y points with?

Frequency of words in the text

The following Python script calculates the frequency of words in the text (continuous sequences of letters with the exception ... es.get(trimmed, 0) + 1 keys = sorted(frequencies.keys()) for word in keys: print "%-32s %d" % (word, frequencies[word])

Features and purpose of the Perl language

Good time of day! I would like to know if it is worth studying Perl. What is its functionality, application, and purpose?

Taking data from one Json and saving to another [Perl]

Good night, I would like to know if there is a way to take data from one json and save in another in an automatic way without ... with the file. Any example or idea is already welcome for me to start looking for how to solve. I thank you for your help.

Is Perl used nowadays?

Well, I see little about Perl and do not know much about the language, it is still used nowadays and can replace some other l ... like to know if there is any reason why it is not much talked about if it is no longer used or if it is simply not worth it.